08 April 2020

The most exciting objects for nature tourism in Bogor Make Nyebur!

Curug Leuwi Hejo – Spending a holiday traveling will be very pleasant. Especially if you can travel with family or even friends. There are so many tourist attractions we can visit to get a cooler atmosphere.

Bogor has a very nice natural potential. One of them, of course, is the waterfall tour. Of the many waterfalls in Bogor, the Leuwo Hejo waterfalls should be included in the list of natural attractions that you will visit when you go to Bogor.

Object of Leuwi Hejo waterfall Bogor waterfall

This time Interesting tourist attractions bring you a pleasant holiday to Curug Leuwi Hejo whose beauty is incomparable. W objectLeuwi Hejo Waterfall is located in the village Wake up Cullinan, Babakan Madang Village, Sentul, Bogor. Previously, this tour had experienced a landslide and even had to be closed. Only now this tour has improved and the landscape has become more beautiful.

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Competences offered by Curug Leuwi Hejo nature tourism

Called Leuwi Hejo waterfall because the water jets are so clear with the results of the Cileungsi river with a greenish color. Indeed, the name was maintained by local residents a long time ago.

This Leuwi Hejo waterfall is a mini waterfall in a clear water pool. This waterfall is not only clear, but also feels very cold. It"s just that many travelers don"t know many of these tourist attractions now.

Of the many tours in the city of Bogor, the Leuwi Hejo waterfall tour is definitely worth the choice for those of you who want to spend your vacation time. In addition, cool tones and beautiful landscapes can certainly captivate your eyes.

Tourism Leuwi Hejo waterfall Bogor

Tourism Leuwi Hejo waterfall Bogor

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You also want to linger in tourist attractions. If you want to get there, you don"t have to be confused anymore, because the route you have to take is also easy.

The height of the Curug Leuwi Hejo waterfall is indeed easy to reach. For those who have never been there, you should be very comfortable and even addicted to return. The exotic nature is very beautiful, especially in combination with clear water you can certainly be surprised.

There are also large stones that you can see along the river so that everyone who sees them will enjoy a waterfall.

The increasing number of visitors who come to the Curug Leuwi Hejo tourist site certainly makes people more initiative to increase the access routes to the Curug tourist area. This is, of course, intended to make visitors feel comfortable visiting tourist attractions, even if it"s still a red earth.

When the rainy season has arrived, it will help you not to visit tourist sites, as this is accident prone. In addition, road access is also not feasible, floods must be taken into account.

The management of the Leuwi Hejo Curug natural tourist area must be done well to avoid irresponsible people, such as those who dare to engage in illegal gatherings. With good management, it can certainly provide the best comfort and facilities for visitors.

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Route to the tourist area Curug Leuwi Hejo

This is the route you can take to reach Leuwi Hejo waterfall:

From Sentul City

Those of you who are take direction Sentul, it only takes about 1 hour to get to the waterfall parking lot. Coming from Sentul City you will pass Giant, Jungle Land. Then you can lead the way to the Babakan Madang police station.

Follow the straight road until you reach Gunung Pancar intersection and also Babakan Madang Market. From the T-junction you can turn right until you come across the T-junction of Gunung Pancar and Karang Tengah. From there you can take the path to the left towards Karang Tengah village until you arrive at the Leuwi Hejo waterfall tour.

By Pasir Mukti, Citeureup District

If you take the Jagorawi toll road, turn left and enter Leuwi Nutug village, Citeureup subdistrict. You should drive straight past the Leuwi Nutug gas station until you come across the T junction of the Iteureup sub-area and also the Tengsaw road. From there you can turn right towards Tengsaw Street, Indokordsa.

From there, go straight until you come across the T-junction of Babakan village and also Pasir Mukti village. Turn right in the direction of the tourist park Pasir Mukti. From there you still have to drive all the way to Sukamakmur district and meet the village of Cibadak. Turn right towards Karang Tengah village until you encounter nature tourism Pelang Leuwi Hejo.

I think you can easily follow the route to the tour. Moreover, the direction is also very clear and easy to find. Along the way you will be treated to a variety of beautiful and beautiful landscapes. You can see the vast beautiful green rice fields that even look organized. The access road you need to travel to good tourist areas. Even now the road is thrown, so it is safer if you pass by.

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The entrance fee to the Leuwi Hejo waterfall

Of course, when you decide to go on vacation, you should prepare certain funds for your needs during the holidays. It also includes a budget for travel tickets. The entrance fee is very affordable for everyone.

Entrance tickets to the Curug Leuwi Hejo tour are usually charged around Rp. 15,000 per person. For parking tickets for motorized vehicles you only pay around Rp. 8000. The price is very affordable, right? So do not hesitate to spend your holiday alone on this Curug Leuwi Hejo.

In this tourist attraction there are also various facilities that are very interesting, namely the existence of natural water attractions. There are even public toilets and changing rooms. If you feel tired after traveling, you can relax while trying different dishes available at the stalls around the tourist sites.

The offered price is also very affordable for everyone. Don"t miss your vacation time to enjoy the natural beauty of the Curug Leuwi Hejo waterfall tour. You get a cool, comfortable atmosphere and can even get rid of fatigue, a myriad of activities you have done.

The beauty of the Leuwi Hejo Tourism waterfall

Here are some beauty documentation Leuwi Hejo Waterfall Tourism Object that you can see before visiting this waterfall directly:

The spirit of bathing in Curug Leuwi Hejo Bogor

The spirit of bathing in Curug Leuwi Hejo Bogor

Tourism Object Bogor Leuwi Hejo waterfall

Tourism Object Bogor Leuwi Hejo waterfall

The most exciting objects for nature tourism in Bogor Make Nyebur!

Make your vacation more enjoyable by visiting the Leuwi Hejo waterfall in the city of Bogor.

How can you not wait to throw yourself into a waterfall with this cool storm pool?

For those of you who like to get wet, don"t forget to bring clothes and towels when you come here. It does indeed seem incomplete when you go on holiday to the Curug Leuwi Hejo attraction without being cheerful.

So our rating of attractions Curug Leuwi HejoHopefully it can be a reference for your holiday this weekend. Do not miss it: Nice holiday nature tourism Curug Cilember Cisarua Bogor

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: The most exciting objects for nature tourism in Bogor Make Nyebur!

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