08 April 2020

Nice nature attractions for holidays

Jackfruit waterfall – Bogor is still one of the weekend destinations for major cities in the area. when the weekend or the holiday season, it is certain that tourism in the city of Bogor will be filled with B-plate vehicles. Interesting tourist destination that you can visit is Jackfruit Curug.

Curug Jackfruit Address Bogor

The unique character of natural attractions is of course due to 3 waterfalls with different heights. Not far from the tourist location Curug Nangka, 2 other waterfalls are also available, namely Curug Kawung and Curug Leaf. The nature tourism of Curug Jackfruit is located in Tamansari Regency, Warung Loa Village, Bogor Regency, West Java.

Many people call this Jackfruit Curug nature tourism under the name Curug Cinangka. This waterfall requires an extra battle with terrain heavy enough to be covered. There you can enjoy the water flow that is even clear.

The available landscape is very beautiful, and it also features trees unique to well-maintained tropical rainforests. Even if the visitor is lucky, they will meet wild monkeys in the forest around Curug Nangka nature tourism.

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The route to the natural attractions of Curug Nangka

Looking geographically, this natural attraction is located at the foot of Mount Salak at an elevation of about 750 meters above sea level. Under normal circumstances, the temperature there ranges from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Directions for Jackfruit Waterfall Tourism Object

Directions for Jackfruit Waterfall Tourism Object

The route you have to travel to the tourist area is very simple. If you come from Jakarta city go straight to Bogor Palace. From there you can continue your journey to Ciapus. Upon arrival in Ciapus you will find a sign with directions to the Curug Nangka tourist area.

If you travel by public transport, you can drive from Bogor Trade Mall to Ramayana-Ciapus. With a distance of about 25 km and an estimated time of about 45 minutes. You can then stop at the T junction at the entrance of the Jackfruit Curug tour.

Well, from the T-junction, just go left to the entrance. The distance is indeed far enough to get to the entrance, it takes about 1 km. You can rent a motorcycle taxi so that you don"t get tired of walking.

If you are from the center of Bogor and use a private vehicle, you can certainly reach tourist attractions faster. Usually from the city of Bogor if you use a private vehicle you only need about 30 minutes to get to the tourist attractions.

It"s just that you can only reach the gate while you have to walk to get to the Jackfruit waterfall.

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Travel to the Jackfruit Curug tourist area

When you have reached the entrance of the tour you must continue your journey. The path you have to follow to reach this tourist spot has turned out to be quite challenging and can absorb your energy. But this is what will be encouraging when traveling.

During your trip to the Jackfruit Curug area with a distance of about 1 to 2 km, you will see a beautiful natural landscape. Occasionally you will see monkeys passing through trees.

The air in the city of Bogor is indeed cold enough so that your trip doesn"t feel tiring. You have to be more careful especially if you are on a hiking trail and also close to a cliff.

When you arrive at the location, your fatigue is also paid for with an attractive Curug. You will be treated to a beautiful view of the waterfall and of course the air is also very cool. Even falling water never stops.

Nangka Waterfall is located at an altitude of about 750 meters above sea level. Of course it is in an area high enough with a sufficiently high temperature. During the day it can get 22 degrees and cooler at night.

Don"t let the excitement of your tour miss you for a minute. You can view the fun of your trip from different angles with the best selfies. These will of course be unforgettable memories for you.

In addition to being a tourist destination in the city of Bogor, the area around Jackfruit Curug is often used as a camping site. The available location is very suitable for camping. Even in Jackfruit Curug there is also a campsite with a strategic location and is still very natural.

In addition to camping, you can also do other activities here, such as hiking to learn about the natural beauty around the Curug Nangka tourist area.

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Facilities available on the Jackfruit Curug Tourism Site

While the available scenery is so beautiful but does not offer a variety of interesting facilities to visitors, they can feel at home in tourist attractions. That is one of the reasons the reasons for nature tourism management in Jackfruit Curug are getting cleaner.

Until now, tourism managers have always been improving their facilities. In fact, they also offer several features that are not yet available. As well as parks where you can rest. There are also several other interesting facilities that you can use, namely food stalls with various culinary facilities, toilets and even prayer rooms.

Ticket prices for the tourist attraction Nangka Waterfall

Ticket prices for tourism in Bogor have proven to be very affordable for everyone. Certainly for nature tourism areas, of course cheaper, you usually pay a rate of Rp 4,000 per person for the ticket for the tourist area.

If you use a private vehicle, there will be an additional charge for parking, which is only IDR 2,000. With very affordable ticket prices, you definitely want to go here. In addition, it offers a variety of very interesting activities with beautiful views that are not worth our expense.

Certainly a variety of tourist excitement you will experience. You can return to a tourist location excitedly after your holiday. Don"t miss the excitement of traveling by visiting this Jackfruit Waterfall attraction. There will be many moments that you will remember during your vacation there.

Do not miss it: Nice holiday nature tourism Curug Cilember Cisarua Bogor

The beauty of the Jackfruit waterfalls

Here are some photos of the beauty of jackfruit waterfalls that you can touch yourself:

Curug Jackfruit Tourism Objects via Liputan 6

Curug Jackfruit Tourism Objects via Liputan 6

Jackfruit Curug Tourism Object Bogor

Jackfruit Curug Tourism Object Bogor

Jackfruit Curug Tourism Object Bogor

Jackfruit Curug Tourism Object Bogor

Camping in Curug Nangka

For friends who enjoy nature activities, it never hurts to pitch a tent and spend the night around this waterfall. Around this waterfall is a place that is often used as a camping site for tourists who come. This is because it is suitable for camping.

Camping in Curug Nangka


And if you are happy with hiking activities, you can learn about the natural beauty around Curung.

How, you certainly can"t wait to enjoy an exciting vacation in Curug right away, right? What are you waiting for, let"s explore and enjoy the unparalleled natural beauty of God"s creation.

I want to know who we want to vacation here, right? For those of you who are still loyal to loneliness, it doesn"t matter why you come here alone, who knows you might know the competition later. 😀

So our review of this great jackfruit waterfall. I hope you can add your holiday references. Don"t forget to share this article with others, so this jackfruit is better known. Also visit: Pleasant holiday to the Leuwi Hejo Sentul waterfall Tourism Object Bogor

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: Nice nature attractions for holidays

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