05 April 2020

Recommendations 23 Attractions in Banyuwangi, East Java

Recommendation 22 Tourist attractions in Banyuwangi East Java – East Java is a province with districts and cities rich in tourist attractions. Previously, the DifaWisata team reviewed various tourist attractions in various cities in East Java, including Surabaya, Malang, Ngawi, Blitar and also Pacitan. Now our team will assess attractions in Banyuwangi.

Banyuwangi has recently become popular with local and foreign tourists for the beauty of natural attractions that are so exotic. varying from beach tours to various mountain tours. Check out some of the riview attractions in Banyuwangi that could be your next travel list:

1. Ijen Banyuwangi crater "Blue Fire"

The first tourist attraction is the most popular tourist attraction in Banyuwangi. This tour is located at an elevation of 2,368 meters above sea level and is located exactly on the Ijen mountain with an elevation of 2,799 meters above sea level. The mountains themselves are located in two districts, namely Banyuwangi and Bondowoso.

The distinguishing feature of this crater is that it has a blue flame or people usually call it blue fire that comes from the bottom of the crater to the surface. This crater is also decorated with caldera walls which are so beautiful with a height of 300 to 500 meters around the crater.

Banyuwangi nature tourism

Indeed, this crater has an extraordinary view and entices people to get close to the rim of the crater. But you have to be careful, never go to the crater rim because it is very dangerous. This crater has a heat of up to 200 ° C. The temperature can destroy clothing and the human body in a few moments. Calls from our team always try to be careful when visiting the Ijen crater. But take it easy, the crater remains safe to visit as long as it complies with local tourist procedures.

Interesting besides being able to enjoy the beauty of one of these tourist attractions. At this location you can also see activities for the extraction of sulfur. What the locals do in the traditional way without the help of modern mining equipment.

2. Plengkung beach, Banyuwangi beach tourism object

After discussing the beautiful Ijen crater, our team visits the seaside resort in Banyuwangi. Namely Plengkung beach or commonly called G-Land. This beach is located in Purwo Banyuwangi National Park. Plengkung beach is known for the big waves that make this beach a surfer"s paradise. The waves on this beach can reach 6 meters high and are the most ideal waves for the surf arena.

Banyuwangi Beach Tourism

The best time for surfers who want to visit this beach is from July to September, the waves are good in that month. But the waves on the beach are always good and in that month the waves reach their peak for surf fans.

If you don"t bring surf gear, rent a lot of equipment to surf around the beach. this place is also suitable for those who want to learn to surf.

In addition to a beautiful ombah, Plengkung beach also has a stretch of white sand that can be used as a playground to relax by the sea.

Also read: Tourist attractions in Mount Bromo, East Java

3. Rajegwesi Beach, relaxing rest on Banyuwangi Beach

Just like Yogyakarta, which has a completely different resort, Banyuwangi also tries to save beach tourism that is no less beautiful than Jogja. This beach, Rajegwesi beach, has the characteristics of sandy beaches that are brown and soft. Brown sand is formed because it mixes with mud transported by fast river water that flows to this beach.

Nature tourism Banyuwangi Beach

Rajegwesi Beach is located in Ds. Sarongan, Kec. Regency of Kab. Banyuwangi. In addition to storing natural beauty rarely found elsewhere, this beach also proved to be a historical requirement. Japanese bunkers from the colonial era line the coastline.

4. Watu Dodol Banyuwangi beach

I"m still talking about a beach resort in Banyuwangi. Namu Watu Dodol Beach is located on Banyuwangi Street – Situbondo, only about 2 kilometers from Ketapang Port.

tourist attractions in Banyuwangi, East Java

As the name suggests, this beach has many rock features on the coast. Even a little sand on the beach. There are also many snacks for sale and a variety of typical Banyuwangi dishes around the beach.

5. Green Bay Beach, Hidden Paradise in Banyuwangi

The next attraction of Banyuwangi Beach is Teluk Hijau Beach, a hidden paradise in Banyuwangi. On this beach you have a beautiful view of the beach with white sand and clear sea water. That way, when you visit this place, you can swim, snorkel and also play with soft green sand bays.

seaside resort in Banyuwangi

As the name implies, the beach has not only white sand and crystal clear water, but also views of green landscapes and tropical trees that exude a calm atmosphere. Not only here, on this beach there is also a waterfall no less beautiful than the Cigamea waterfall in Bogor. This waterfall has a waterfall called an angel. Called the angel waterfall because, according to stories circulating in the community, the waterfall is usually used to bathe the angels at some point. The Bidadari waterfall has a height of about 8 meters from the base of the waterfall.

Also read: Dieng Warna Lake, a natural tourism destination in Dieng Wonosobo

Red Banyuwangi Island Beach

The next list of beaches in Banyuwangi is the red island coast in Pesanggrahan district. Just like Rejegwesi beach with brown sand beach, Red Island Beach also has reddish beach sand. In addition to the unique beach sand, this place also has a beautiful view with coral-shaped rocks.

Banyuwangi Tourism East Java

If you visit this place you can also visit a Hindu temple called Pura Tawang alun. This temple is often held by religious rituals of local people.

There are many things you can do on this beach from relaxing on the beach with the people closest to the water on the coast with a long shoreline. The length of the coastline of the red island is about 3 kilometers.

Banyuwangi also has a waterfall tour no less beautiful than jackfruit waterfalls in Bogor. Kalibendo Waterfall is located in Ds Anyar Village, Glagah Regency, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province. The location is about 20 km from Banyuwangi center. This waterfall has a height of 10 meters.

Banyuwangi waterfall tour

For the route to the waterfall, we recommend the route from Kmapung Anyar Glagah. If you pass the route you will get a very relaxing view of the tea, clove and coffee plantations.

8. Lider Banyuwangi waterfall

The next waterfall tour in Banyuwangi is Lider waterfall, this waterfall is almost the same as Wonosobo sikos waterfall. This waterfall is located at Ds Sumber Arum, Kec Songgon and is located at an elevation of about 1,300 meters above sea level. This is what causes the mountain air mix at the waterfall.

Waterfall tour in Banyuwangi

Lider Waterfall has a height of about 60 meters with a fairly fast water flow. For those of you who want to visit this place you have to go through humid tropical forest and travel a long way, we recommend food supplies. But any attempt to reach the site is appreciated by the natural beauty of the waterfall that is so beautiful.

9. Argowisata Kali Klatak Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi also has tourism no less beautiful than measured tourism in Bogor. Namely the tourist meter Kali Klatak, located on the slopes of Gunug and covers an area of ​​more than 1000 hectares. The soil conditions at this location are very fertile and suitable for coffee, rubber, coconut, cocoa spices and also for different types of fruit flavors. No wonder so many plants are found in the Argotisata Kali Klatak area.

Nature tourism Banyuwangi East Java

This place used to be owned by the Dutch government during the colonial period, but over time this place was taken over by local private companies.

10. Swim in Suruh Banyuwangi Park

This time our team will check out the artificial tourist spots in Banyuwangi. Namely the baths ordered by Banyuwangi in Dsn Wonosari, Ds Tamansuruh, Glagah. This tourist spot has an area of ​​about 3.5 hectares and is located at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level.

tourist attractions in Banyuwangi, East Java

The water used in the pools comes from nearby sources, so you don"t have to worry about the quality of the water in the pond. And of course the water is also fresh because it comes from a direct source, unlike the appearance of the Magelang umbul temple with warm water.

In the bathroom there is a swimming pool for adults and also for children. because the facilities in that place are quite complete, ie there is a mosque, cafeteria, dressing room and also a toilet.

Below is a list of tourist attractions that cannot be reviewed by the DifaWisata team

  1. Boom Beach

  2. Lampon Beach

  3. Rawa Bayu

  4. Tabuhan island

  5. White River Rafting Tour

  6. Blambangan Park

  7. Sritanjung Park tourism

  8. Tirtawangi Park

  9. Alam Indah Lestari

  10. Unfortunately Purwo National Park

  11. Meru Betiri national park

  12. Savanna Sadengan

  13. Park Service

Thanks for reading riview about tourist attractions in Banyuwangi, East Java. Please share this article so that your other friends know that Banyuwangi is a travelers paradise.

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Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: Recommendations 23 Attractions in Banyuwangi, East Java

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