Pekalongan"s specialization is very diverse and numerous. Given the city of Pekalongan, it is one of the cities with good economic growth. Of course, this city is often visited by many people from outside.
Well, the city that also borders the North Java Sea is not only culinary seafoodthat"s the famous one. But there are other foods to try.
Because it is no less interesting and certainly delicious. In addition, there are also many restaurants that offer great food and a place for selfie fun.
The following culinary deals you should try:
1. Passenger tail

This traditional Pekalongan cake has a unique name and shape. At first glance, this cake looks like a chocolate candle, but if you look closely, it is a dish made from palm sugar.
How you cook it is relatively simple, you only need a long time. Basic ingredients such as coconut milk and palm sugar are boiled thick and then stored in a form.
Recently, there is a new variant of mortar cake, by adding pandanus so that it is green and creates a different taste.
Mortar biscuits are usually found in traditional hawker centers. This cake is then served with grated coconut so that the sweet taste is combined with savory coconut.
2. Megono lesbian rice

Another special dish from Pekalongan in Central Java is megono rice.
This food is very healthy because the raw material is made of steamed vegetables consisting of kecombrang, ginger, petai, red chili and young jackfruit slices.
All vegetables are then mixed with grated coconut and selected herbs until cooked.
The taste of megono rice is very good, especially since the aroma of the Kecombrang flour creates a distinctive flavor for all foods. Meogono rice is very tasty when eaten with fried tempeh or boiled eggs as a supplement.
3. Apem Kesesi

The apem cake session looks different compared to the apem type made in East Java. Like other apem cakes in Java, this food is very sacred, so it becomes a dish at certain parties.
Apem Kesesi is derived from the name of a district in Pekalongan, the Kesesi district where this snack was first made.
It is said that only the water in the hamlet of Bantul in Kesesi district can truly produce apem. So if you want to feel the best taste of Pekalongan you have to come to Bantul Village.
The process of making APEM requires quite a complicated process, we rarely find cooking equipment on the market.
Local residents retain traditional tools to maintain their taste and shape, so that their authenticity is preserved.
For simple raw materials, only 2 nights of homemade rice flour, palm sugar and coconut milk are required. Apem session cakes are sold very cheaply, one piece only sells for 2000 rupiah.
4. Srinthil

Pekalongan"s unique snack name is very unique in that it is made from sinteril flour with added palm sugar.
The taste is comparable to & # 39; non-fat & # 39; and the texture is chewy and sweet like palm sugar, it only eats a little and feels full.
Srinthil cakes are actually made at parties for toddlers who are just learning to walk.
Usually as a one-year baby party. Since this cake is always in demand among the wider community, Srinthil can be found in several pastry shops in Pekalongan.
5. Glundung Pekalongan

This special Pekalongan snack is called glundung because it looks like a ball and can be easily rolled. Glundung Pekalongan was born in a village called Kajen.
The taste of this food is sweet, legitimate and delicious, because it is influenced by the raw ingredients. Gulundung cake made from cassava flour in the center receives palm sugar.
Finding a Pekalongan glundung is not difficult, you can get it from a chip shop or pastry shop.
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6. Soto Tauto

This culinary is a mix of two cultures, namely Chinese and Indian food. The beginning of this food is adapted from a typical Chinese food, Caudo.
Many Chinese descendants in Pekalongan sold Cauco in ancient times, many with locals serving as kitchen servants.
The servants eventually replaced Caudo cooking with spices and other ingredients, including Tauco from India. Until it is known Soto Tauto, Pekalongan is made from soybeans and buffalo meat.
Soto Tauto is very popular with its citizens for its glory. Well, this delicious typical Pekalongan food can be bought in proportion at a price of 20,000 rupiah. You automatically fill up when you eat this.

A tempting culinary dish in Pekalongan is boiled tetel. This delicious typical Pekalongan food comes from the Ambokembang area, Kedungwuni Regency.
Although this food is called cooked tetind, there is no fish mixture on the plate at all.
Boiled tetters are made from beef ribs and have a texture similar to rawon. Pindang tetamu is also the same as Rawon, with Kluwek chocolate.
This food is usually served with rice, tempeh and also grilled crackers (crackers cooked with sand).
8. Ongol-Ongol

Breakfast vendors in Pekalongan generally sell non-residents. This food is red, yellow and green and has added grated coconut.
The basic ingredients are made from sago flour or starch and then mixed with palm sugar. They are colored red, yellow and green to attract interest when traveling. The mixture is mixed evenly and then cooked until soft.
Finding an out-of-hole in Pekalongan is not difficult, traveling vendors or street vendors often explore this food. Ongol-Ongol has become part of the offer of local residents, so it makes sense that Ongol-On-Go often runs out in a short time.
9. Gendar crackers

You can make gendarcrackers a special gift from Pekalongan, because the gendarcraers taste is essentially different from other regions.
The original Pekalongan Gendarcrackers taste better, mainly because the aroma of the herbs does not look stingy. When bitten, the migrants usually also feel crunchy.
The Gendar crackers are sold in a typical Pekalongan gift shop with two varieties, some raw and some cooked. Offer variations vary depending on the weight and amount you want to buy.
10. Pekalongan Tofu Chips

No one thought tofu chips came from Pekalongan. This food is an alternative for tourists who want to eat healthy.
Tofu made from soybeans naturally contains a lot of protein. And now you can enjoy this culinary innovation at any time without worrying that it feels old.
The taste of crispy and crispy tofu chips, such as Tofu Pong in general, feels dry and stiff. Also not difficult to find tofu chips in Pekalongan, these foods are very easy to find in Camiilan"s shop window and sold according to the desired weight portion.
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11. Nasgor Mrs. Custiani

Of the many fried onions in this city, Nasgor bu Kustiani is a special dish in Pekalongan, Central Java. Locals call this rice shop Nasgor the tastiest fried rice in Pekalongan.
Since the first bite, the taste of shrimp and savory pecans has lingered in the mouth. Soy sauce is like using a certain brand that may not be sold in supermarkets, making it feel strong and distinctive.
Mrs. stand Ngo Kustiani also sells capcay, soup noodles and fried noodles. Located at Jalan Pekalongan Force 45 or not far from Bank BTN.
12. Eastern lemonade

This drink product can be the pride of the people of Pekalongan as East Lemonade has been managed for five generations.
East Limun is an instant drink that has dominated the local Ramadhan or Eid al-Fitr refrigerators as well as other special days.
Oriental lemonade is made from a mixture of citric acid, carbon dioxide and fruit juice. Variants are also as varied as mocha, raspberries, oranges, lemons, sparkling water, and soursop. The price is also quite cheap, with only 7 thousand rupees, you can take Eastern lemonade home as a souvenir.
13. Candidates for Pekalongan

This crispy dish is great to use as souvenirs typical of Pekalongan. Due to its small size, we can easily store it in different types of barrels, which makes it easy to adjust while packing.
Pekalongan"s staple food also contains foods that are sustainable and last for weeks after the snack is cooked.
The shots are made from cassava flour (starch) which is then sprinkled with selected herbs. All ingredients are then baked in a flat circle like mint.
The cooked shot is then seasoned as a flavor enhancer. Usually spiced shots, black pepper or salt.
The price of this food is quite cheap and weighs 250 grams and is sold at a price of 15 thousand to 17 thousand rupiah. Usually sold in a snack shop or gift shop.
14. Gethuk

You can make chew as a souvenir of Pekalongan food, as long as you separate the grated coconut from the chew mixture.
Grated coconut, which is usually a flavor enhancer in chopped, ages faster, so we don"t recommend mixing grated coconut with chopped if you want to take it with you. This wet food can take several hours in a hollow dining room.
Pekalongan Gethuk is usually served with liquid palm sugar and grated coconut. The taste of cooked cassava is very pronounced and cold in the stomach.
This snack is usually sold in traditional markets or mobile suppliers. It"s sweet and savory, enough to fill a hungry stomach in the morning.
15. Lopis

Lopis is a dish often used as a Syawalan menu in Pekalongan. Syawalan tradition that has existed since 1885 is a folk festival after the first Eid al-Fitr on 2 to 7 Shawwal.
Lopis is symbolized as food that can bond the unity of citizens through its sticky and hard character.
So every shayal in Pekalongan, Lopis has always been designed as an emphasis on community members to always unite and instill a sense of brotherhood.
Outside of the event, tourists and locals can enjoy this food in traditional markets. Usually, lopis is sold with other snacks on the market. Lopis is served as a supplement with grated coconut and palm sugar.
Lopis taste sweet when mixed with palm sugar, but if not touched, sugar will taste soft. The texture is hard because it is made of glutinous rice. Grated coconut, which serves as a sprinkling, gives a savory taste.
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16. Angkringan Sang Dalang

Angkringan si Dalang is the most recommended place to eat for tourists.
This restaurant sells great food at cheap prices. The rooms are modern with a café-restaurant concept, so it is very suitable as a retreat for young people.
Access is also easy, just visit Jl Binagariya or MAN II School, Pekalongan City. Just 100 meters from the school you will find Angkringan Sang Dalang serving food and drinks ready to whet your appetite.

The best Pekalongan food is growol. At first glance, this food looks like a typical Gunungkidul thiwul, but the palm sugar mixture is not too high, so it usually tastes good.
Growol is a food substitute for rice when rice is not being harvested. High carbohydrate content, especially since it is made from cassava.
Growol is usually served with large portions and grated coconut on top. Although the portions are large, eating growol does not produce a very good taste and makes the mind active.
18. Gemblong

Gamblong is the tastiest Pekalongan food, especially for generations 80-90. This food is very popular as a school snack or as a delicious breakfast.
How not? Green round venton is served with grated coconut, sticky rice and kinca sauce. It tastes sweet and savory, makes people addicted. It is not enough to buy just one package.
These snacks are sold in the Banyurip Street area, 100 meters after the market bridge over the market. Often referred to as a listener, this kiosk has been around since the 1980s.
19. Iwel-Iwel

Iwel-iwel is a typical Pekalongan snack in the shape of a pyramid with banana leaves as a wrapper. This traditional cake is made of white sticky rice filled with brown sugar and coconut shredded in the middle.
Usually iwel-iwel is presented on important occasions such as weddings, circumcision, thanksgiving for babies, etc. The presence of iwel-iwel in the event is expected to build a relationship between family and close relatives. stick it on.
Although synonymous with typical Thanksgiving snacks, iwel-iwel is also sold in traditional markets or in some restaurants. Usually sold at an affordable price, which is 2000 rupiah each. cheap
20. Pekalongan Arab cuisine

Kebuli rice, bathtub and biryani can be the best Pekalongan specialty. Although this dish comes from the Middle East, the Arabic cuisine in Pekalongan is adapted to Javanese.
Arabic cuisine is identical to oven-baked lamb cutlets, along with special seasonings. Cooking should also be careful so that the meat feels soft. Not only flavors, herbs also make goat meat not prengus.
When the sheep is done, add extra spices and combine it with rice to use as kebuli rice, bad rice or biryani rice.
These three dishes are icons of Middle Eastern cuisine that are typical of Yemen, Indian Muslims and Indonesian Muslims. Immediately introduced by the family of Arab traders who settled in Pekalongan and later established a restaurant.
One of the eateries in Pekalongan that serves Middle Eastern cuisine is the Satisfied Restaurant, which has been established since 1975.
The architecture of the building is identical to the house from the past, and the interior is simple with complete furniture and amenities such as a mosque, toilet and neat dining room. A satisfied restaurant on Jalan Surabaya No. 32 Pekalongan and always open every day.
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After reading culinary recommendations in Pekalongan, I can"t wait to go there, right? Well, try it culinary one by one so you don"t regret it.
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