05 April 2020

Dieng Color Lake, a natural tourist spot in Dieng Wonosobo

Telaga Warna, is one of the major tourist attractions in Dieng Wonosobo, Central Java. This lake has a multi-color name for a reason, it is because it has more of a color that can change. This lake is sometimes green, yellow and rainbow. That"s because the lake contains quite a lot of sulfur, and when the sunlight glows, the color of the water changes color.

the color of the diengmeer

Colored Lake is also the largest lake in the highlands, including ponds such as Pengilon Lake, Lake Merdada and many more. Lake of Color itself has an area of ​​about 3 times the football field.

The Dieng color lake is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. The lake is also surrounded by beautiful hills suitable for refreshment. If you want to get a better sense of beauty, you can climb one of the hills on Lake Warana. And the most popular is the hill lament. From there you can sit on a rock while enjoying the lake of color from the top of the hill.

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The most recommended time to visit the color lake is & # 39; in the morning until & # 39; in the afternoon. The problem is that if you visit the afternoon, it is possible to cover the lake area with fog. If you & # 39; in the morning until & # 39; If you visit the lake in the afternoon, you can see the lake which is really colorful because the sun"s rays shine hot at the time.

with more colored ticket prices

In addition, there is a beautiful lake, around the lake there are also different types of caves that you can enjoy, the area is the Semar Cave, the Cave of Grandparents Kumalasari, the Wedding Cave and the Jaran Cave. much of the uniqueness of each of these caves, such as the Semar Cave, which has a unique character in the form of a small pool inside the cave and is believed to cure various diseases and also make the skin neater or younger . In front of the Semar Cave is also a Semar statue with a jug.

The entrance fee is not too expensive, a few months ago my friends and I visited it more in the Rp entrance fee. 7,000 per person plus parking for cars for 5,000 rupiahs and 2,000 for two-wheelers.

Location color more

for the location of the color of the lake itself exactly in Dieng Wetan, Wonosobo, Central Java.

For access to the lake of color, it is also very easy to reach by public or private vehicles.

The entry fee is Lake Dieng

For those of you who use public transportation as a means of transportation to the lake, head to the town of Wonosobo. And when you reach Wonosobo, find a bus station near the Setjonegoro Regency Hospital, a train station. After arriving at the terminal, continue the journey by bus from Wonosobo – Dieng. After driving by bus, stop at the intersection Dieng. The travel time required to reach this lake is approximately 45 minutes from the town of Wonosobo. after arriving at the Dieng intersection, continue the journey of about 500 meters to the color lake. If you don"t want to walk, a motorcycle taxi is ready to take you at the T-junction.

And for those of you who use your own vehicle, just come to the town of Wonosobo and search for the village square of Wonosobo. In the square there is a service road, to reach Dieng you have to follow the northern road until you reach Dieng. Arriving at the Dieng T junction, turn left and arrive at the lake of color.

Vlog to Telaga Warna with Faza Luthfia

In the past, a king of Suwartalaya and an empress named Ratu Purbamanah lived there. Both led a kingdom called the kingdom of Kutatanggeuhan. Prabu Suwartalaya and his wife lead wisely and honestly. The people of Kutatang Geuhan also live peacefully.

history presents the color of the lake

but something disturbs the queen"s mind. He has been married for a long time, but he and Prabu are not blessed with children. Therefore, the queen often cried and looked sad. Seeing his wife become king also gets sad. Then Prabu went to the forest to pray that a child would soon be blessed, and after a few months the queen could conceive and be joyfully welcomed by her people.

A beautiful princess is born 9 months later. And give the name Gilang Rukmini. Prabu and Ratu also love their children very much. The king and queen always give what Gilang Rukmini asks. However, it makes the princess very spoiled. If his wish is not fulfilled, the princess will be furious. But Prabu and Queen still love him.

The time passed, until the princess finally stepped on her seventeenth year, knowing that the princess would be her seventeenth birthday, the inhabitants of the kingdom would come busy to the kingdom to give gifts to the princess. Among the gifts he received, the prabu took a gold bar and brought it to the goldsmith to make a beautiful necklace for the princess.

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And finally the birthday came. residents gathered in the palace square and cheerfully waited for the beautiful princess. After the princess was present, prabun (immediately got up and prepared to give the beautiful and beautiful necklace to the princess. When the necklace was given to the princess, the princess came to refuse and threw the necklace on the floor. "I wants this "This necklace is ugly," said the princess.

Prabu and the residents saw the princess"s demeanor and wept until their tears flooded the square. Finally, a beautiful lake formed from the tears of the prabu and its inhabitants.

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Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: Dieng Color Lake, a natural tourist spot in Dieng Wonosobo

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