07 April 2020

Investasi Diprediksi Menurun, Startup Pangkas Gaji Hingga Karyawan

Pandemi korona melanda aktivitas ekonomi dan berbagai sektor bisnis, termasuk startup. Transaksi dan pergantian startup, bahkan unicorn juga dihilangkan. Untuk menjaga kelangsungan bisnis, upaya efisiensi sedang dilakukan, mulai dari memotong biaya promosi, memotong gaji, bahkan menyelesaikan pekerjaan.

Sebagai uraian, berdasarkan data data Joint Two Wheel (Guard) dan Online Driver Association (ADO), permintaan untuk layanan naik kendaraan turun 80% selama studi dan aplikasi pekerjaan dari rumah, alias bekerja dari rumah. Ini mempengaruhi transaksi pada platform Gojek dan Grab.

Sementara itu, agen start-up perjalanan online (OTA) seperti Traveloka dan Ticket.com juga terkena dampak pandemi korona. Masalah yang mendasarinya, kegiatan pariwisata dan perjalanan hampir menangguhkan animasi karena penyebaran korona di seluruh dunia.

Menurut Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), jumlah wisatawan asing yang tiba di Indonesia pada Februari 2020 turun 885.000 atau 28,9% dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu (tahun ke tahun / yoy). Jumlah ini diperkirakan akan terus bertambah pada Maret 2020 karena banyak maskapai penerbangan telah mengurangi jadwal penerbangan dan para wisatawan telah menutup sementara bisnis mereka.

Ticket.com mencatat bahwa penjualan produk perjalanan internasional turun 52% selama Januari dan Februari. Sementara Traveloka tidak menyebutkan transaksi menurun karena pandemi. Namun, manajemen mengumumkan, permintaan bantuan terkait pengembalian uang dan perubahan jadwal untuk penjadwalan ulang maskapai dan tiket hotel mencapai 10 kali lipat.

Startup teknologi keuangan (pinjaman fintech) juga dipengaruhi oleh pandemi. Mereka mengantisipasi potensi kenaikan kredit buruk bagi pelanggan mereka, terutama usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM). Karena, beberapa peminjam telah mengurangi pendapatan atau bahkan kehilangan pekerjaan mereka.

Ketua Asosiasi Modal Ventura Indonesia (Amvesindo) Jefri Sirait mengatakan para startup harus baik untuk bertahan di tengah pandemi. “Jika perlu mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup, kurangi biaya,” katanya, Senin (6/4).

Salah satu biaya yang secara otomatis dipotong adalah promosi pancing atau ‘membakar uang’. Langkah ini sebenarnya dilakukan sebelum pandemi korona pecah. Kemudian, beberapa startup di beberapa negara yang terkena pandemi juga mulai menempatkan karyawan yang belum dibayar hingga pemutusan hubungan kerja.

“Ini bisa dua efisiensi. Karyawan tetap dibayar, kecuali ada kebijakan khusus. Ini tantangan. Bagaimana tetap produktif bahkan ketika bekerja dari rumah,” kata Jefri.

Selain itu, startup dapat menunda ekspansi dan investasi dengan memotong pengeluaran modal bukan prioritas. Dana yang dimiliki difokuskan pada modal kerja yang menghasilkan pendapatan di tengah pandemi. Layanan pengiriman makanan GoFood atau GrabFood, misalnya, diperlukan selama bekerja dari rumah.

Sementara Ketua Asosiasi E-Commerce Indonesia (idEA) tingkat Keuntungan Ignatius, pengurangan upah di PHK tidak hanya berpotensi diabadikan oleh startup, tetapi juga perusahaan pada umumnya, yang pendapatannya tertekan karena untuk efek korona. Selain itu, biaya pemasaran harus dipotong untuk mendorong efisiensi.

“Bagian terbesar (untuk) kebanyakan startup adalah tenaga manusia dan pemasaran,” katanya. “Meskipun kompleksitasnya, pemasaran dikaitkan dengan pertumbuhan.

“Efisiensi seperti itu perlu dilakukan, karena investor memilih untuk menunggu dan melihat kondisi saat ini (tunggu dan lihat) terkait dengan kebijakan pemerintah dalam memecahkan masalah pandemi. Bahkan, sebaliknya, startup masih membutuhkan suntikan modal dan uang tunai untuk menutupi omset mereka yang terkikis.

Salah satu upaya efisiensi yang dilakukan oleh startup adalah memotong gaji karyawan, khususnya tingkat manajemen. Gojek memotong gaji tahunan co-CEO dan manajemen senior sebesar 25%. Selain itu, Gojek akan menggeser anggaran tahunan untuk membayar kenaikan gaji bagi semua karyawan. Karena Grab memotong gaji perwira sebesar 20%.

Tujuannya adalah untuk membantu mengemudi dan menjual mitra (pedagang) yang pendapatan hariannya diimbangi oleh pembatasan sosial dan bekerja dari rumah dalam menangani pandemi. Dari pemotongan gaji, Gojek telah mengumpulkan Rp 100 miliar, sementara Grab Rp 161 miliar.

Tidak hanya memotong gaji manajemen, berdasarkan informasi yang kami dapatkan, banyak startup besar telah mengurangi jumlah karyawan. Salah satunya adalah Traveloka, yang kabarnya mulai melakukan penghilangan karyawan terbatas pada akhir Maret lalu.

“Bagian-bagian dari strategi dan evaluasi terpengaruh. Sebanyak 50% insinyur di India juga terpengaruh,” kata seorang sumber yang memberi tahu kami pada akhir Maret (31/3).

Kami mengkonfirmasi berita itu kepada manajemen Traveloka. Namun, sampai artikel ini ditulis, manajemen belum mengomentari berita tentang program kelulusan.

Beberapa unicorn bahkan dikabarkan mengambil langkah efisiensi bagi karyawan mereka. Bentuknya bervariasi, termasuk prosedur untuk pensiunan karyawan tanpa membayar. Meski begitu, startup dan unicorn terus berusaha untuk mempertahankan bisnis mereka di tengah-tengah periode pembatasan sosial karena pandemi korona saat ini.

Kepala Urusan Korporat Gojek Nila Marita mengatakan semua karyawan melamar formulir kerja-di-rumah. “Ini sesuai dengan seruan pemerintah, tanpa pemotongan gaji,” katanya pekan lalu (2/4).

Sumber: Kunjungi website


12 of the best family attractions during Ramadan (overseas)

Soon, Muslims will soon undergo Ramadan Lent. Even if you fast, that doesn"t mean you have to be lazy and stop all activities. Small activities can make more sense to do during fasting. For example, eat together or holiday with family in the month of Ramadan.

Take your parents and family on vacation to the best family attractions during Ramadan to enjoy quality time. In order not to be bored, try a holiday abroad to feel the atmosphere of Ramadan in other countries. More exciting guaranteed because it offers a different experience!

1. The pleasure of traveling to Malaysia in the month of Ramadan

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram mrsmarkiza

During Ramadan, Muslim tourists usually look for the best family attractions with lots of halal food tourism. For this reason, Malaysia is the right destination for Ramadan. The special thing about fasting and Eid holidays in Malaysia are the many tasty food bazaars.

Ramadan in Malaysia is characterized by numerous food vendors ranging from Asian specialties to the Middle East. Especially during the month of fasting, many hotels, restaurants and eateries are in Malaysia, where the tradition of the Ramadan buffet reigns. You can eat as much as you want!

The atmosphere in Malaysia is also very comfortable for fasting, both festive and religious. All corners of the city are colored with the nuances of Ramadan, ranging from shopping centers, schools to the highway. Malaysia fixed 1 pm to 2 pm, just like our country. So you don"t have to worry about adjusting your stomach clock. Don"t forget to visit the best places for family tourism in Malaysia to perfect your vacation.

Ticket Promo to Malaysia

2. The excitement of Ramadan holidays in Singapore

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram xinke.219

Hmapir is like Malaysia, Singapore Muslims will fast 12 to 13 hours. During the month of fasting, the weather in Singapore will be quite hot and humid. So avoid holiday activities that are too tiring so that your satisfaction is not interrupted.

The fasting month in Singapore is also filled with food festivals and various products that are open until the evening. Mosques in Singapore will hand out food to tourists, both Muslim and non-Muslim. Not bad to save money on food while meeting lots of new people.

Restaurants in Singapore also serve a special fasting menu in the form of an interesting buffet. For those who don"t fast, don"t worry. Eating places in Singapore stay during the month of Ramadan & # 39; morning & # 39; open in the afternoon.

Ticket Promo to Singapore

3. Religious tourism in Brunei Darussalam

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram little.klicks

There are many food festivals in Brunei Darussalam waiting for you during the month of fasting. The food bazaar tradition is inherent in Muslims because fasting is very special. Everyone comes together with loved ones to enjoy a delicious iftar meal. No wonder there are so many sudden food bazaars during fasting.

Food festivals in Brunei Darussalam are open until night. You can enjoy a variety of special dishes, ranging from local dishes to Western dishes. Every mosque in Brunei will also spread fast food to eat together. Everyone can come and enjoy it, it is really exciting!

Lent in Brunei Darussalam 2020 lasts 13 hours. It gets a little warm with occasional rain. Visit the famous Brunei Darussalam Mosque, such as the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque and the Jame"Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque. In addition, there are many favorite tourist attractions in Brunei that you can visit.

Ticket Promo to Brunei

Ramadan in Thailand is going to be exciting!

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram sarah_jbll

Who says that the best family attractions during Ramadan only exist in Muslim-majority countries? Ramadan holidays in Thailand are also extra exciting, you know. Pattani and Bangkok are the right Ramadan destinations to visit. There are many special food festivals that serve delicious local dishes.

Halal food in Thailand is usually located near mosques or other religious facilities. Lent in Thailand is about 14 hours in 2020. Bring an umbrella, as this year"s Lent in Thailand is during the rainy season. When you go home don"t forget to buy souvenirs typical of Bangkok for loved ones, Yes!

Ticket Promo to Thailand

5. Beautiful Ramadan tourism in Istanbul, Turkey

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram k__zee

The city of Istanbul, Turkey always attracts foreign tourists. Especially in the month of Ramadan, the atmosphere in Turkey will be even more lively because there are many delicious food festivals that sell iftar food. The Muslim majority country is also very romantic and solemn. Panorama weapons can enchant you with amazement.

Lent month food and entertainment festivals are one of the reasons for your holiday to Turkey. Every place to eat has a special Ramadan menu that will shake your tongue. Keep in mind that Lent in Turkey is much longer than in Indonesia, which is 17 hours. But worth the effort really really.

Just like in Indonesia, people in the city drum on drums to wake up the early morning residents. The atmosphere of fasting is also very thick in this city as each place will be decorated in typical Ramadan. By dusk the road will be very busy as many people go out to break the fast. So don"t be too tight when ordering food in Istanbul.

Ticket Promo to Turkey

6. An interesting fasting experience in Morocco

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram joyjah

The best family tourist spot in the month of fasting not to be missed. Just like Malayisa, Moroccans will also hold several festivals during the month of Lent. You can taste a variety of typical Moroccan dishes to enjoy a variety of competitions held in this country.

Moroccans will fast for 16 hours in 2020 with fairly warm weather conditions. So do not forget to drink enough if you break the fast in Morocco.

The unique holiday in Morocco during fasting is the time to break the fast, characterized by the sound of a cannon. Each mosque shares breakfast meals for everyone to enjoy. Don"t miss out on several free gifts from door price which is held by a shopping center. Ramadan in Morocco is guaranteed to be exciting, especially if you are with family.

Ticket Promo to Morocco

7. Cape Town, religious center in South Africa

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram tariqnabina

Do you want to feel a fast that is not too long? Invite your family for a holiday in South Africa, especially in Cape Town. Here you only have to fast for 11-12 hours. Cape Town is the center of religious tourism in South Africa. The city offers an incredibly cool landscape with a variety of interesting historical backgrounds.

During Ramadan, the weather in South Africa is a bit cold, especially at night. In Cape Town you will find plenty of halal dishes to break the fast. Each shopping center also has a suitable place of worship. As for large mosques, there are more in Bo-Kaap. Enjoy a free meal to take a break at this best tourist spot for families in Ramadan.

Ticket Promo to Africa

8. An impressive fasting experience in the Maldives

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram ismailpulikkodan

Maldives is an archipelago with a majority of Muslims. The atmosphere of Ramadan is very lively and busy here. Many cultural parades of the local community that you can enjoy during the month of fasting. The fasting here is guaranteed to be cool, especially many beautiful beaches that attract the heart.

During Ramadan, the Maldives will often rain and be cloudy, although it can be sunny during the day. Lent here is about 12 to 13 hours. Tourists are well served in the Maldives during Ramadan. The hotel and restaurant serve special Ramadan dishes with a homely atmosphere.

Ticket Promo to Maldives

9. Kazakhstan, an Islamic modern city

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram eva_roupcova

Muslims in Kazakhstan will fast for 17 hours in the holy month of Ramadan. Cuaza in Kazakhstan will be quite hot, so bring clothes made from thin but cover the skin so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Restaurants that sell more and more halal food during the month of fasting.

Here you can feel the atmosphere of fasting that is somewhat unique. Although Kazakhstan includes a modern city, it has many traditional buildings with an Islamic feel. Must come here if you want a family holiday.

Ticket Promo to Kazakhstan

10. Fasting Holiday in Japan, how does it feel?

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram turjapanmurah

Famous for its cherry blossom festival, Japan can also be a religious tourist destination with families. Holidays during Ramadan in Japan are decorated with halal food festivals in the city centers. Although Muslims are a minority in Japan, the locals are very friendly you know towards Muslims.

Fasting holidays in Japan can be an interesting experience. Every mosque is visited by Muslims. You can add contacts there. Listening to studies while in Japan can also open up new insights for you.

Ticket Promo to Japan

11. Super fast fasting in Australia

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram goldcoastmosque

Fasting in Australia is quite short, which is about 11 to 12 hours. With cool and sunny weather throughout the month, you can feel the pleasant atmosphere of fasting in this Ramadan tourist spot. Just like Japan, Australians also respect Ramadan. No wonder there are so many Australian halal restaurants and cafes to be found.

Various culinary and cultural festivals are held in Australia during Ramadan. For example in Lakemba, Sydney, where most Muslims are in Australia.

Ticket Promo to Australia

12. Holiday to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during Umrah

The best family attractions during Ramadan

Source: Instagram abdulsalamalamri

Riyadh or Mecca is the best family tourist spot for the month of Ramadan. You can go to this religious destination while doing worship, for example, by taking the umrah package. Fasting in the holy land will certainly create an unforgettable atmosphere. With family you can get closer to God.

Ticket Promo to Riyadh

That is the best family tourist place to go during Ramadan. Come on share and register to get an update about tips and guidelines to travel. Don"t forget to book a plane ticket for a fast holiday at Difa Wisata. Buy an airline ticket online guaranteed safe and lots of promos. Let"s go!

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: 12 of the best family attractions during Ramadan (overseas)

120 aviation terms, must know before the plane!

People familiar with airplanes are certainly no longer confused by different flight conditions. But for beginners who have never been on a plane, the term flight is sometimes a bit confusing because it is written in English.

To help you understand the meaning of each of these terms and conditions, Difa Wisata has prepared 120 flight terms lists that you should know. Everything is sorted alphabetically to make it easier for you. See the reviews, come on!

Flight conditions you should know before placing the aircraft

Source: unsplash

Flight conditions of A

1. Accompanied: When purchasing a child / infant ticket, the ticket must be accompanied by an adult who pays in full at the applicable rate.
2. Adult: someone older than 12 years old.
3. Alternative airports: alternative airports, other airports that are selected if they cannot land at the destination airport.
4. Apron: parking of aircraft.
5. Arrival: arrival part.
6. Flights: institutions or airlines.
7. Airport: airport / airport.
8. Aviation: aviation science or information about aviation.
9. ADC (Arodrome Controll): control in the tower.
10. APP (Control Approach): control after / before ADC.
11. Airspace: airspace.
12. Airtime: Time that the aircraft needs to arrive at its destination.
13. A.T.A (actual arrival time): the arrival time of the aircraft.
14. A.T.D (actual departure time): flight departure time.
15. A.P.B (Actual Pax Onboard): information sheet about the number of passengers on the plane.
16. Airplane: airplane in English.
17. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU): A turbine engine that is smaller than an aircraft engine. Instead of a motor to ensure the supply of electrical and pneumatic power to the rear of the aircraft so that it is in a safe position against all obstacles.
18. Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS): uncontrolled aeronotic information that is still recorded and broadcast at various airports with heavy or heavy traffic.
19. Kite flying: a way to escape. Every pilot must maintain their attitude, including answering every call. Violation of this rule could result in pilots being fired and no longer allowed to fly.
20. Accident: plane crash.
21. Aerobatics: fly to do acrobatics, with dangerous movements. Passenger transport is strictly prohibited.
22. Altimeter: A device located in the aircraft that measures the height of the aircraft from seawater operates with a difference in air pressure (for every 1,000 meter increase, the air pressure decreases by 0.3 atm). This tool cannot track the aircraft height from ground / mountain level.
23. In the air: The aircraft is in flight or flying after take-off when all the wheels are off the runway surface.
24. ALERFA: code word used to indicate the warning level.
25. Assignment: frequency distribution, SSR code, etc. for service units or countries. Distribution of 24-bit aircraft addresses when marked by a country or a joint registry.
26. Height: vertical distance from levels, points, or objects considered to be points. Measured from mean sea level.

Flight conditions of B

27. Baggage Tag: Document issued by an airline to issue baggage warnings for passengers. This is also to give a certain sign (whether the object falls into the glassware category). on luggage tag numbered according to the number on the passenger ticket.
28. Boarding pass: a pass issued to passengers before they board a flight. Passenger who has been arrested boarding pass, which shows the process to check in ready and ready to board according to class, compartment and seat number.
29. Ordering: the process of ordering and buying tickets.
30. Luggage / suitcases: passenger luggage. Also read the baggage allowances for Indonesian airlines listed here.
31. Black Box: mystery box for recording conversations flight crew (pilot and co-pilot) in the cockpit.

Flight conditions C

32. Cabin Attendant: cabin attendant or better known as flight attendant or flight attendant.
33. Climbing: when an airplane.
34. Connecting flights: change or use another aircraft airline If not, usually during transport.
35. Children: children with facilities from 2-12 years old.
36. Checked baggage: bags stored in the cargo section of the aircraft.
37. Handbags: also mentioned a pursepassenger baggage is carried in the aircraft cabin.
38. Cabin crew: flight attendants.
39. Check-in: registration of potential passengers who already have a ticket, before departure.
40. Check-in baggage: Passenger baggage is stored in the cargo cargo baggage. Goods shipped when to check in,
41. Accident: accident.
42. Cruising: flat planes.
43. Check airspace: controlled airspace.
44. C.I.Q ​​(Customs Immigration Quarantine): Passengers departing / coming to / from abroad.

Flight conditions D

45. Delay: late departure or arrival.
46. ​​Departure: departure.
47. Drop-off: Landing at an airport that is not a destination is diverted to another airport.
48. Direct flights: flights between two cities that are visited without having to stop (transit).
49. Trench: an emergency landing aircraft in the water.
50. Down: the plane is flying down.
51. Destination: last city of destination, usually furthest visited by a passenger (when a passenger is on the way).
52. Detresfa: word code indicating the danger.
53. Hazardous Items: Listed items endanger flight safety.

Flight conditions from E

54. E-tickets: electronic flight tickets sent from the Internet order module e-mail as proof of purchase.
55. Enroute map: a map used by pilots using the facilities of the navigation instrument and lane flight information, which will be crossed by monitoring and communication with air traffic controllers (ATC).
56. Emergency exits: emergency exits in an airplane used for escape in the event of an emergency or accident.
57. ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring): a device that serves to inform pilots of all aircraft systems. For example, flight control, pressure and hydraulics via two LCD (liquid crystal displays) in the center of the control panel.
58. Emergency landing: emergency landing at the airport.

Flight conditions F

59. FA (Stewardess): flight attendants, FA 1 for flight attendants and FA 2 for flight attendants.
60. Fare: the total cost to be charged to passengers and their baggage to the public by type of class.
61. FASEC (Full Digital Engine Control Authority): A system that controls the function of the engine during the process starts automatically, If you are in the process to start if there are motor parameters that do not match, FADEC will detect this.
62. FDR (Flight Data Recorder): flight data recorder.
63. FIR (Aviation Information Region): flight information region.
64. Flap: cross section of the rear of the aircraft with functions to increase the lift and decrease the speed.
65. Flight number: flight number.
66. Flights: Flights (adjective).
67. FMGS (Flight Management Guidance System): an airplane computer device that functions to pilot the airplane based on data programmed and stored in a database and control based on data entered by in-flight pilots.
68. Force Landing: aircraft that land outside the airport.

Flight conditions G.

69. Go-Show: Passengers who have not pre-booked a ticket and plan to board the aircraft by coming directly to the airport.
70. Gate: the entrance to the aircraft.

Flight conditions of H

71. Waiting area: the airspace used by the aircraft to wait for a queue to land, by an aircraft orbiting in the air.
72. Holding Bay: where aircraft wait on land to fly or to take off,
73. Hard landing: hard landing is a term in the aviation world to describe the type of landing method for aircraft that is slightly pushed to the runway (with a shock) enter (flower) Airplane tires can collide with runways.
74. Waiting procedure: a movement is initiated to monitor the aircraft in a given airspace pending further authorization.

Flight conditions I

75. Babies: babies from 0-24 months.
76. Issued: Ticket OKing process or confirmation after payment has been entered for tickets that have arrived to order,
77. ILS (Instruments Landing System): electronic equipment used to help land aircraft.

Flight conditions of J

78. Jet Lag: Passengers feel tired and confused by the fast time difference after flying.

Flight conditions of K

79. Kespen: aviation security.
80. NTSC: National Transport Accidents Committee.
81. Order code: order code, consisting of 6 digits with the function of reservation certificate or to order ticket you made.

Flight conditions from L

82. Landing: landing aircraft.
83. Departure to: to.

Flight conditions M

84. Metals: objects such as jewelery, coins and keys.
85. Mayday: This term is usually used by pilots and cabin crew to describe the emergency they are experiencing.
86. TIKAR: Makassar Advanced Air Traffic System

Flight conditions from N

87. No-Show: passengers who do it to orderbut does not make the flight or does not appear on the flight schedule.
88. NOTAM (Notice to Airmen): notices distributed via telecommunications. Contains information about creating conditions or changing facilities, services, procedures or dangerous things. Knowledge required for personnel related to operations.

Flight conditions of O

89. Excess baggage: extra baggage. The most experienced passenger about baggage in accordance with aviation regulations.

Flight conditions P

90. Passenger: any passenger on the aircraft except cabin crew.
91. PA (Public Address System): A speaker system incorporated into the aircraft cabin to assist pilots and cabin crew in providing passengers with information about flights.
92. Pax (passenger): air passengers.
93. PSR (Primary Surveillance Radar): a radar system that uses reflected radio signals.

Flight conditions R

94. Runway: The aircraft runway makes deep swings to take off or as a place landing,
95. RON (Remain Over Night): the plane stays that night.
96. RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separate Minima): controls the separation or separation of vertical distances between aircraft on the same runway.
97. New Route: Change the flight attendant route. This term is usually used when flight attendants are transferred from one route to another.
98. Route: flight paths in the airspace.
99. RNAV (navigation area): a navigation method that allows an airplane to fly in the desired path.
100. Refund: Cancel a ticket to get a refund.
101. Bookings: order tickets via online also offline,
102. Radar radar, detection and range: a radio beam detection device that provides information about the distance, azimuth and / or height of an object.
103. Schedule: Changes in flight schedules for purchased airline tickets.

Flight conditions from S

104. Seat belts: seat belts in the airplane.
105. SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar): a radar system when a radio signal from a radar station starts broadcasting radio signals from another station.
106. Security controls: check baggage for flight security.

Flight conditions from T

107. Taxiway: connects the road between the aircraft parking and the runway.
108. Deadline for tickets: deadline to confirm ticket reservations by passengers.
109. TCA: Terminal control area
110. Taxi (Taxi): en route, from / to landing strip,
111. Taxi waiting position: the position determined when an aircraft travels by land and vehicles may be requested to stop so that it is sufficiently distant to landing strip,
112. Transit: stop between the city and the destination of departure. This can be one or more cities.
113. Two-letter code: flight number code for each airline. Each airline has its own code and each flight has a different number.
114. TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System): an air collision avoidance system. The aircraft system is based on secondary observer radar signals. Operate independently of ground equipment to check instructions for possible aircraft conflict with SSR transponders.
115. Takeoff: exit the runway to fly.

Flight conditions from you

116. UIR: Upper Information Region

Flight conditions V

117. Visa: A sign of permission to visit residents of a country when you visit another country that requires an entry permit. Also read the types of visas and their functions here.
118. Visa on Arrival (VoA): made on arrival in the country of destination. Arrivals are usually arranged at the airport or when entering the national border areas.

Flight conditions from W

119. Waiting room: passenger compartment afterwards to check inbefore boarding the aircraft.
120. Window seat: a window seat by a window.

Here are 120 full flight terms you should know before boarding your flight. If you find this article helpful, don"t forget it register Go blog for information to travel the other. Let"s go

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: 120 aviation terms, must know before the plane!

20 attractions you should visit in Laos in 2020

Tourist attractions in Laos are very suitable for holidays in 2020. This tourist destination in Southeast Asia has many attractions and cultural heritage full of charm. While it doesn"t have a beach, there are many great temple and construction tours in Laos. Not to mention the enchanting natural beauty.

Unfortunately, there are still many tourists who do not know the beauty of tourist attractions in Laos. In fact, there are many interesting places in Laos that you can explore to get an unforgettable vacation experience. Laos also has a warm tropical climate, so you can always visit this country. Especially since Laos is a visa-free country.

Consider the following 20 tourist attractions in Laos to make your holiday in Laos more enjoyable. Get ready, don"t want to go home!

The best tourist attractions in Vientiane

As the capital of Laos, Vientiane has many attractive tourist attractions with ample amenities. The city is loved by tourists because it is full of different kinds of charming tourism. The culinary tour is also good and you feel at home. This is a tourist place in Vientiane that you should visit during your holiday in Laos.

1. a Buddhist garden, a garden filled with Buddhist and Hindu statues

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram dayraleroyal

If this is a holiday in Vientiane it is really mandatory to come here. This tourist spot in Laos was built by Luang Pu Bunleae Sulilat in 1958. The Buddhist park or in Laotian called Wat Xieng Khuan is indeed some distance from the center of the city of Vientiane. It was near the land border between Laos and Thailand or the Friendship Bridge. The admission ticket is relatively cheap, namely 8,000 chickens (Rp. 13,000).

At this tourist destination in Laos, visitors can see around 200 statues and stone carvings. Everything is thick with nuances of Buddhism and Hinduism. The most famous works are Sleeping Buddha up to 50 m and Giant Pumpkin. Giant Pumpkin describes three places in the universe, namely hell, earth and heaven. After getting bored with the Buddha & # 39; s Garden, you can rest on the banks of the beautiful Mekong River.

2. Pha That Luang, golden holy Stupa

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram jpreem

Vientiane has a sacred tourist site in the form of a golden stupa of Pha That Luang, a symbol of Laos. Do you know if this target has a mystery? Golden stupas are said to have cavities and sacred objects. It must be a Buddha statue made of precious stones and metals.

The building itself is in a complex with many temples. In fact, Pha That Luang should not be randomly entered. Tourists can only enter to the first gate. But don"t worry, the temple is still clearly visible from the outside. It is best to come here during the day so that the golden color of Pha That Luang shines beautifully in your photos. The entry fee is approximately 5,000 chickens (Rp. 8,100).

3. Vat is Khao, Sleeping Buddha statue

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram mcgjenjen

Summarize that Khao was in the same location as Pha That Luang. In this tourist destination of Laos you will see large and beautiful Buddha statues. The shape is very unique and classic. If you want to take photos with a full background of a Buddha statue, you have to go back further. It is best to come here during the day when it is sunny.

Arrange it

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram oslaf

Setthathirath or Xaysettha is one of the great leaders in Laos history. You can see a statue or monument in the area of ​​Pha That Luang. The statue itself is black and wears yellow clothes. Very contrast with the background of golden stupa and blue sky. This tourist destination in Laos is surrounded by many beautiful buildings and stupas.

5. Patuxai, Parisian-style gate in Laos

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram daretodream.travel

If Paris has it milestone Arc de Triomphe de l & Etoile, Laos has a monument called Patuxai. This symbol of the city of Vientiane is a symbol of the struggle of Laos after being released from the shackles of French colonialism for over a century. This beautiful gate-shaped decoration combines elements of Laos and European design.

The Patuxai was built in 1962 and was not actually completed due to the unstable economic conditions in Laos. But this Laos tourist destination remains a favorite because it is right in the middle of the city of Vientiane. Tourists can climb to the top of Patuxai to see the whole view of the city. The climb to the top of Patuxai consists of seven floors and amounts to about 3,000 chickens (Rp. 5,000).

6. Mekong Riverside Park,

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram lagunawestblue

It is not complete to go to Laos if you do not visit the Mekong River. Mekong Riverside Park itself is a large park located next to the Mekong River. Here you can enjoy the sunset and the romantic evening atmosphere. Tourist attractions in Laos are widely used for relaxing, jogging and playing skateboarding, cycling, to gymnastics.

Mekong Park is well organized. Around the park are play facilities for children, sports equipment and a stage for certain events. Many people practice here on weekends car-free day in Indonesia that"s allAfter this, you can go straight to the night market to buy typical Laos snacks or souvenirs.

7. Vientiane night market, shopping place on the banks of the Mekong River

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram matedz

Vientiane Night Market is located on the Mekong River. This kiosk has a red roof and sells a variety of crafts, clothing and electronics. The kiosk in Laos Shopping Tour only opens after sunset and is most crowded at 8am. Here you can buy various souvenirs from Laos such as Buddhist paintings, shirts with the Beer Lao logo and more.

Most sellers speak English because many tourists come here. Don"t forget to bid on items to buy to get the best price. In addition to shopping, you can also relax in the surrounding parks or on the banks of the Mekong River. Very much worthy even if you don"t plan on shopping.

8. Vientiane City Pillar Temple, beautiful little temple

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Facebook Fatima Jahan

The Pillar Temple of Vientiane City is a beautiful and charming little temple. The building itself was completed in 2012. It is located near Phaiwat village in Sisattanak district. Composed of 473 pillars, this Laos tourist site was built to preserve ancient relics and remains of artifacts from the city of Vientiane. Visitors can enjoy religious and historical tourism here. Although small, the architecture is great. Entrance fee is also free.

9. Wat Si Saket, ancient temple in its original form

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram 6002inspire

Wat Si Saket is a 19th-century Buddhist monastery built in the center of Vientiane. This place is the oldest temple in its original form. It is now home to 10,000 Buddha statues surrounding the temple. This tourist attraction is open twice a day from 8 a.m. to noon and again from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The entry fee is approximately 5,000 chickens (Rp. 8,100).

10. Wat Mixay, Laos temple

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram blackbolt84

Upon arrival at Wat Mixay you will see a small golden building. But the architecture and design are so unique and striking with bright colors. The gate is also brightly colored and is set high to welcome visitors who come. You will really feel that you are here in Laos. The photo paradise in Laos is numerous Instagene place!

11. Presidential Palace, residence of the President of Laos

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: traveltamkrasae Instagram

Do not forget to visit here during your holiday in Vientiane. The location is very close to several tourist destinations. You only have to walk a short distance to reach the Mekong River. Many tourists take photos in front of the palace because they are not allowed to enter. The building is very majestic and luxurious. Perhaps the place Unique photos during a holiday in Laos.

12. Phou Khao Khouay National Park, Vientiane National Park

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram mikeyvanderwilsh

Phou Khao Khouay National Park is a large national park. But unfortunately this place is rarely visited because it is about 40 km from the city center. This park means "Mount Terba Kerba", although it has a very nice view. The advantage lies in the diversity of flora and fauna, cold pine forests, rivers and beautiful waterfalls. Interested in this?

Tourist destinations in Luang Prabang you must visit

After satisfying the streets of Vientiane City, it"s time to head to Luang Prabang. Because of its beauty, this city is a favorite destination honeymoon for European tourists. What happened at this tourist spot in Laos? Come onwe see.

13. Kuang Si waterfall, Turqoise colored waterfall

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: therealpatric Instagram

Kuang Si Waterfall is a must visit tourist place in Luang Prabang. The waterfall is very beautiful with clear green green water. Surrounded by dense forests, the Kuang Si Waterfall is very popular with tourists for being so instagenicIn the middle of the waterfall there is a bridge that you can use to take closer photos.

You will not be bored with this fantastic multi-level waterfall. Here you can swim in clear water like a swimming pool. To get to this tourist spot you have to climb for 15-20 minutes. With an entrance fee of 20,000 chickens (Rp. 32,500), this waterfall in Laos is open from 8:00 am to 6:30 pm.

14. Kuang Si Falls Butterfly Park, many beautiful butterflies

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram sl_authentictravels

Not only will you see the waterfall, you can also come to Kuang Si Falls Butterfly Park. 300 meters before the entrance of the Kuang Si waterfall you can find and see the beauty of colorful butterflies here. This place is a two Dutch project that started in January 2014.

This park is used as a research center that studies the problem of butterflies, host plants and conservation due to environmental issues in Laos. This place is open to the public and is visited by many schools to raise awareness about nature. Before you hike further to the Kuang Si Waterfall, you can take a break in a small cafe while enjoying delicious coffee.

15. Meet the elephants at the Tad Sae waterfall

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram snack Pereira

This Laos waterfall is 19 km from Luang Prabang and is very beautiful during the rainy season. The water drainage is uneven, so it often dries during the dry season. This tourist destination is not as busy as the Kuang Si Waterfall, so it is suitable if you want to unwind. Don"t forget to bring different clothes so you can swim while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Since a few years, Tad Sae has become a place where you can meet and see elephants. Many tours are available, ranging from travel agents, tour companies and even the local community.

16. Mount Phousi, the sacred mountain in Luang Prabang

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram clairestepleton

It is not complete to visit Luang Prabang without visiting Mount Phousi. To enjoy the epic landscape, tourists have to climb 300 steps to the top. The sacrifice is paid when it reaches its peak. You have a panoramic view over sustainable mountains, green forests and peaceful blue rivers.

This mountain is considered sacred by the local community. Protected by UNESCO, Luang Prabang is the spiritual heart of Laos, while Phousi Mountain is the heart of Luang Prabang itself. Many small temples are scattered in the mountains. The sisters explore the way in saffron clothes. Make sure to come here at dawn or dusk.

Landscape in Namtha City from an attractive heart

Tourist attractions in Luang Namtha offer natural beauty and attractive and fun parks. Here are some travel recommendations you should visit!

Forest Retreat Laos (ecotourism specialist)

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram mangelavsworld

This tourist spot in Laos is a climbing tourism company that focuses on bringing customers through beautiful places. The hiking trail passes through the Nam Ha Nature Reserve and then goes to the Luang Namtha Valley and surrounding area. The tour is complete while exploring Northern Laos.

By booking this climbing tour, you can simultaneously support the local community and environment in Northern Laos. In addition, the locals" economy was greatly helped by this tour. A meaningful journey.

Tourist attractions in the city of Champasak

Champasak is a town in the province of Champasak. Here are two tourist attractions on Champasak that you should visit during your holiday in Laos.

18. Wat Phou or Vat Phou, the ancient ruins of the city of Champasak

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram __andy.k

Apa Phou, meaning "mountain temple", was built in the late 10th century to the early 11th century. The age is even much older than that of Angkor Wat, built in the 12th century. Although it has now become ancient ruins, its magical appearance attracts many tourist attractions for historical education. Here you can also enjoy religious tourism, as it was converted into a Buddhist monastery in the 13th century. Even today, Wat Phou is still a place of worship for local Buddhists and is dedicated to Shiva, one of Trimurti"s Hindu gods.

Located at the foot of Phu Kao Mountain, Wat Phou faces the mainland towards the Mekong River. In ancient Khmer times, Mount Lingaparvata was called, what & # 39; Mount Linga & # 39; means. Named so because the pillars above resemble phallus, a representation of Hindu Shiva. This tourist spot in Laos is open from 8am and closes at 6pm.

19. Wat Muang Kang Temple, the oldest active temple in Champasak

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Instagram manski.muetze

Wat Muang Kang Temple is the oldest active temple in Champasak City, Laos. In a way, this temple is the most interesting in the south of Laos. When you first enter, you are greeted with a towering Thai-style Ubosot, with a red roof and pillar rings. This building combines elements of Lao, Chinese, Vietnamese and French colonial architecture.

Although there are already some damaged parts, this tourist spot in Laos is still very beautiful and majestic. Located on the banks of the Mekong River, it makes it more interesting to visit.

An attractive tourist destination in the city of Nong Khiaw

Nong Khiaw City is no less interesting to visit, especially if you are a true adventurer.

20. Nong Khiaw Viewpoint, beautiful view from the top

The most popular recommended places in Laos

Source: Kasparboss Instagram

The perspective of Nong Khiaw or better known as Phadeng Peak by the locals is located in the town of Nong Khiaw, a quiet little village in the mountainous area of ​​Laos. To get here you need about 3 hours from Luang Prabang. Transport is generally not good so you need to hire a taxi or driver to get to this tourist destination. The walking path is very beautiful and not too difficult during the dry season. But during the rainy season, the road to the top will be muddy, requiring extra energy.

The view from above is great! Clouds march over a village so green and beautiful that you feel in a dreamland. Not to mention the mountains that surround you. You must come here if you like mountain climbing and like challenges.

Ticket promo to Laos

Those are 20 recommended tourist attractions in Laos you should visit. Come on share it and register to get renewal about tips and guidelines to travelDon"t forget to book your flight to Laos on Difa Wisata. Buy an airline ticket online guaranteed safe and many promotions. Let"s go

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: 20 attractions you should visit in Laos in 2020

Procedure, conditions and how to change personal data in the passport

A passport is just as important as the plane ticket you buy to travel abroad. Without your passport you will be denied access to other countries. Making a passport is now easier with an online queuing system. The passport printing process is also not long, but requires a minimum of three days. What if there is a data error when making a passport? How do you turn personal data into a passport?

Incorrect identity in a passport is usually a name, date of birth or place of residence. To correct data errors in passports, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) has signed an agreement with Permenkumham No. 8 of 2014 on ordinary passports and travel documents such as passports.

Article 24 governs the procedure for changing data in an ordinary passport. Under this rule, changes in ordinary passport holder data, including name changes or change of address, can be submitted to the head of the Immigration Service or Immigration Service. See the explanations below for procedures and how to change personal information into a full passport.

Documents to change data in a regular passport

1. E-KTP and original photocopy
2. Original family card and photocopy
3. Birth certificate / diploma, original and photocopy
4. Original passport and photocopy
5. Immigration forms (usually provided by the Immigration Service Cooperative)

Procedure for changing personal data into a normal passport

According to Permenkumham No. 8 of 2014, this is a procedure for changing data in an ordinary passport.

1. Submit an application
2. Approval of the head of the immigration or immigration service
3. Print the data changes on the authorization page

2 ways to change incorrect data in a passport

There are two ways to replace incorrect identity information in a passport, namely ratification and passport replacement.

1. Improve data with the approval system

Procedures, provisions and changes in personal data in the passport

Source: Instagram handyman84

Change data through the system ratification i.e. add a name on page 4 of the passport. Weaknesses of the system ratification These are some countries that have not received this special record.

Procedure to get it ratification pretty simple. You can do it a certain way online via the website of the Directorate-General for Immigration. Registration process ratification can also be done at any immigration office. If you don"t want to forward the file onlinethat is possible walk in or come directly to the immigration office where the passport was issued.

After the application procedure ratification change data in the passport:

1. Come to the immigration office.
2. Fill in the stamped 6000 form, which is usually on a photocopy of the Immigration Office.
3. Go to the information desk. Communicate your intention to ask ratification because there is a data error on the passport.
4. Send all documents plus original passports to the registrar. Wait for your name to be mentioned.
5. Record less than a day ratification on page 4 of your passport with corrections provided by immigration.

2. Correct data by printing passports again

Procedures, provisions and changes in personal data in the passport

Source: Instagram panduwil

The second way to change the wrong name or address in a passport is to change the passport and print it again. This second method is more complicated and takes more time because it has to go through a longer process.

1. Come to the immigration office and indicate that you intend to change your passport due to data errors.
2. You will be asked to investigate the reasons for changing your passport in order to get an official investigation report (BAP).
3. In the BAP process, researchers will interview you about passport errors.
4. Interviews, photos and biometric data to create a new passport.
5. When BAP is ready, you will receive an official report (Bapen) from the researcher.
6. Bapen is usually issued with the approval of the Head of the Immigration Service. If there is a change in the data in the name (such as replacing, adding, removing or correcting spelling), a statement is usually requested from the city administration where the KTP is issued.
7. After approval by the Head of Immigration Office, the data change document on your passport is submitted to the Head of Regional Office for approval.
8. After the interview and the photo process you will receive a deposit to make a new passport.
9. Finally, after paying some money, your passport is verified by the central referee to issue a new passport later.
10. After completing the entire process, your passport can only be taken or represented by a family member on the Family Card (KK). Passport collections can also be represented by others. Passport holders only need to bring proof of payment, a power of attorney and the original identity card of the passport holder.

Weaknesses of Reprint passports

How to change passport data in this second way takes more than 15 days to reach the Central Adjudicator stage. After approval by the central referee, a new passport can be completed within 3 working days. Even according to information, making a new passport can take more than a month. Also read how to register your passport queue online.

Tips so that there are no data errors

To avoid data errors in your passport, make sure that the identity on your document is no different. Also check your new passport so that there are no typos from the Immigration Service. Don"t go back and forth because you haven"t checked your printed passport. Read the steps to create an electronic passport here.

Do you find information that changes the information on the passport useful? Come on register Difa Travel blog for the latest information on passport making and news to travel the other. Also book airline tickets only at Difa Wisata. Search, order, travel!

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: Procedure, conditions and how to change personal data in the passport

Travel Fair 2020 - Receive promo cards and discount round trips

Schedule for Fair 2020 Travel in Phase 1 Jakarta

Travel fair Jakarta

Schedule for Fair 2020 Travel in Jakarta

1. BNI Japan Airlines

scheme: February 8-10, 2020
place: Grand Atrium Kota Kasablanka Mall

enter the eventBNI Japan Airlines Travel Fair 2020, BNI credit card users, BNI payment cards and iB Hasanah Money Back up to 2 million rupees and 0% installments over 12 months. This exhibition was created by Japan Airlines in collaboration with Bank BNI.

2. BCA Singapore Airlines

scheme: February 15-17, 2020
place: Gandaria City Mall

Organized by Singapore Airlines and in partnership with BCA as a partner, many of the best travel agents in Indonesia will attend this trade show.

3. Cathay Pacific travel grant

scheme: February 16-17, 2020
place: Ice BSD City

This exhibition was held in 3 major cities in Indonesia with different dates.

4. Travel grant Astindo

scheme: February 22-24, 2020
place: Jakarta conference center

Astindo Travel Fair is a tourist exhibition that is held every year. Astindo Travel Fair in Jakarta is filled with 150 stall which offers several attractive travel promotions.

5. HSBC ANA Travel Fair 2020

scheme: February 28 to March 3, 2020
place: Central Park Mall

Managed by ANA All Nippon Airways and works with HSBC Indonesia as a banking partner. Holders of HSBC VISA credit cards (Classic, Gold, Cashback, Platinum, Signature) and HSBC & # 39; s Mastercard credit cards (Classic, Gold, Premier) can enjoy various promotions at HSBC ANA Travel Fair. So you must come!

6. IVACANZA online travel grant 2020

scheme: 1-3 March 2020
place: website official Ivacanza.co

Besides travel grant 2020 others, IVACANZA saves it based on online at the website Official IVACANZA. You can get cheap tour package prices to various Indonesian tourist destinations with discounts up to 70% on this tour fair! Wow right?

Japan Travel Fair 2020

scheme: 1-3 March 2020
place: Kasablanka shopping center

Bank Mandiri debit and credit card holders can enjoy various promotions at the Japan Travel Fair. This year"s Japan Travel Fair is JNTO Jakarta"s 11th tourist exhibition. the event it is supported by 22 travel agents, 16 Japanese exhibitors and 5 airlines such as All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, Garuda Indonesia, Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways. Let"s go

Mega Travel Fair 2020

City of Gandaria: March 7-10, 2020
Kelapa Gading Shopping Center: March 28-31, 2020

Mega Travel Fair is an event organized by the CT Corp group, namely Mega Bank, Antavaya Travel and Difa Wisata. Held in 9 cities with varied schedules. Holders of a Mega Bank credit and card must come as there are discounts of up to 20% + 10% and 0%! Besides, take it too voucher up to 4 million rupiah. EXCELLENT EXCELLENT!

Indonesia Indofest Outdoor Festival 2020

scheme: March 7-10, 2020
place: Hall B conference center of Jakarta

In addition to the exhibition, the Indonesia Outdoor Festival 2020 (Indofest) also held talk shows and bazaars. There are various promotions and discounts for products for outdoor equipment, outdoor service providers and promotional purposes.

10. ATS holiday

Puri Indah Mall: March 19-31, 2020
Central Park Mall: March 20-24, 2020

ATS Vacation is a provider the tour and to travel specially abroad. ATS Vacation 2020 events are held in different cities. For the Jakarta region, it was held in 2 places namely Puri Indah Mall and Centrak Park Mall.

11. Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair 2020 (GATF 2020)

scheme: March 22-24, 2020
place: Jakarta conference center

It was held in several major cities and before Jakarta was held in Plenary Hall and Assembly Hall 1, 2, 3, Jakarta Convention Center. Here you will find a variety of promotional airline tickets for cheap travel packages.

12. Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2020

scheme: April 4-7, 2020
place: Hall B conference center of Jakarta

At Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2020 there are promotions and discounts for various diving equipment, mountain climbing and tour packages related to sea and mountain tourism.

2020 Fair Fair Trip schedule outside of Jakarta Phase 1 has been completed

Scholarships for travel outside of Jakarta

Fair travel schedule 2020 outside Jakarta

1. Cathay Pacific travel grant

Paris from Java Mall, Bandung: February 8-10, 2020
Tunjungan Plaza 6, Surabaya: February 14-17, 2020

The Cathay Pacific Travel Fair 2020 schedule outside of Jakarta is held in the cities of Bandung and Surabaya.

2. Travel exhibition BCA Singapore Airlines 2020

Pakuwon Mall, Surabaya: February 14-17, 2020
Lippo Mall Kuta, Denpasar, Bali: February 15-17, 2020

Each booth offers hotel promotions for tourist attractions with various attractive offers and discounts!

3. Travel grants from BCA Silk Air

scheme: February 14-17, 2020
place: Mal 23 Paskal, Bandung

The Silk Silk BCA Travel Fair was organized by the Silk Air airline from Singapore. In close cooperation with Bank BCA, BCA credit and debit card users can receive various promotional airline tickets and travel packages. This event is a variety of agents to travel famous in Indonesia.

4. Travel grant Astindo

Grand Pakuwon Mall, Surabaya: February 22-24, 2020
Lippo Mall Kuta, Bali: February 22-24, 2020
Palembang Icon Mall: February 22-24, 2020

In addition to Jakarta, the ASTINDO Travel Fair is held simultaneously in three major cities in Surabaya, Bali and Palembang.

5. ATS 2020 vacation

Home Sogo Paris From Java, Bandung: March 25-31, 2020
Sun Plaza Mall, Medan: March 25-31, 2020
Galaxy Mall, Surabaya: April 8-14, 2020

the schedule travel grant The ATS holiday area outside of Jakarta is held in 3 major cities namely Bandung, Medan and Surabaya.

6. Scholarships for traveling to Majapahit 2020

scheme: April 11-14, 2020
place: Grand City Mall and Convex, Surabaya

Majapahit Travel Fair 2020 will focus on increasing the interest of young tourists and fans adventure to explore the beauty of East Java. This event promotes the ascent of Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park and the blue fire on Ijen Crater and other East Java tourist attractions.

7. Bali & Beyond Travel Fair

scheme: June 25-29, 2020
place: Nusa Dua conference center, Bali

Bali & Beyond Travel Fair (BBTF) 2020 with the theme "Travel to sustainable tourism". Not only Bali, but also other leading destinations and cultural diversity in Indonesia. 21 provinces in Indonesia will participate in the promotion of tourist destinations in their respective regions.

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: Travel Fair 2020 - Receive promo cards and discount round trips

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