08 April 2020

Rusia Bakal Uji Vaksin Virus Corona Pada Manusia Mulai Bulan Juni

Rusia sedang bersiap untuk menguji percobaan vaksin virus korona (Covid-19). Tes ini dilakukan oleh pusat penelitian terkemuka Rusia, Pusat Virologi Negara dan Vektor Bioteknologi, dengan 180 sukarelawan, mulai 29 Juni.

Kepala Vektor Pusat Virologi dan Bioteknologi Negara, Rinat Maksyutov, mengatakan pengembangan pandemi Covid-19 didiskusikan langsung dengan Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin pada Selasa (7/4) melalui pertemuan video antara keduanya.

“Kelompok-kelompok relawan telah dibentuk. Kami telah menerima lebih dari 300 aplikasi,” kata Maksyutov kepada Putin.

Maksyutov menjelaskan bahwa para ilmuwan di laboratorium rahasia di Koltsovo telah mengembangkan beberapa vaksin prototipe corona. Percobaan saat ini sedang dilakukan pada tikus, kelinci dan hewan lainnya untuk menentukan prototipe yang paling menjanjikan pada 30 April.

Vektor berencana untuk melakukan studi pra-klinis pada 22 Juni, sebelum pengujian dimulai pada manusia. Dia bahkan mengatakan bahwa pengujian pada orang dapat dimulai lebih awal, terutama pada bulan Mei, jika Menteri Kesehatan mengizinkan.

Vektor memiliki teknologi platform vaksin yang telah diuji pada manusia untuk infeksi lain dan dikatakan disesuaikan dengan virus korona.

Vektor adalah kompleks laboratorium yang berfungsi dalam senjata biologis selama periode Soviet dan berisi cadangan virus dari ebola ke cacar. Rusia pada hari Selasa melaporkan 7.497 kasus Covid-19, 58 tewas.

Sumber: Kunjungi website

Ini Tuntutan Ojek dan Taksi Online Terkait PSBB di Jakarta

Sepeda motor taksi dan mitra aplikator taksi online telah memberikan sejumlah poin setelah pemerintah menyetujui penerapan Pembatasan Sosial Skala Besar (PSBB) di Jakarta dalam upaya untuk memutus rantai virus corona (Covid-19) ).

Sektor transportasi akan mengalami keterbatasan, terutama karena ojek online dilarang membawa penumpang selain barang.

Asosiasi Pengemudi Online (ADO), sebuah organisasi pengendara taksi online, meminta pemerintah untuk pertama kalinya memberikan bantuan online kepada pengemudi taksi yang ditargetkan. Kedua, pemohon dapat mengabaikan biaya aplikasi dan biaya layanan.

Ketiga, pemerintah dan perusahaan aplikasi menyediakan masker dan pembersih tangan untuk mencegah pengiriman ke pengemudi yang masih bekerja. Keempat, pemerintah diminta menggunakan layanan ojol atau taksi online untuk mendistribusikan bantuan publik.

Kelima, minta Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) untuk mendidik semua perusahaan pemberi pinjaman atau pendanaan untuk menerbitkan cicilan dan bunga minimal selama enam bulan. Ketujuh, diharapkan polisi dapat mendisiplinkan pengemudi yang berkumpul di jalan raya secara persuasif.

“Kami mendukung pemerintah, tetapi kami juga mengharapkan bantuan dari pemerintah mengingat mitra akan kehilangan penghasilan sementara kebutuhan dan kewajiban mereka terpenuhi,” kata Ketua Dewan ADO Christianen Wagey melalui teks pesan pada Selasa (7/4).

Kelompok ojol lain, Garda Indonesia, telah meminta pemerintah untuk memberikan kompensasi bagi pengemudi ojol dalam bentuk Bantuan Tunai Langsung (BLT) minimal Rp 100.000 per hari.

“Karena kehilangan fitur transportasi penumpang, sebagian besar pendapatan kami akan hilang, transportasi penumpang menyumbang 70 persen dari total pendapatan harian kami,” kata Ketua Presidium Penjaga Indonesia, Igun Wise.

Selain itu, Igun meminta pemohon untuk mengambil atau mengurangi potongan penghasilan maksimum sebesar 10 persen.

“Atau jika perlu sementara tidak ada pengurangan dari pendapatan pemohon selama sidang Covid-19, karena saat ini pendapatan masih dipotong oleh 20 persen dari pemohon,” kata Igun.

Igun menambahkan bahwa pihaknya juga meminta semua pelamar untuk sementara menonaktifkan fitur layanan penumpang dan fokus pada interaksi dengan aplikasi makanan dan layanan pesan komoditas kepada pelanggan.

“Ini adalah kewajiban pemohon sebagai penyedia aplikasi sehingga permintaan untuk pengiriman layanan antara makanan dan pengiriman barang dapat meningkat. Oleh karena itu mitra dapat terus mendapatkan dan mendapatkan penghasilan untuk menghindari yang akan terus turun secara signifikan karena kebijakan PSBB, “kata Igun.

Menurut dua asosiasi, setiap poin disampaikan kepada pemangku kepentingan dan pemohon. Mereka berharap permintaan mereka segera dipenuhi.

Sumber: Kunjungi website

Grab Siapkan Ribuan Armada Untuk Bantu Antar Hasil Lab

Grab siap meluncurkan armada khusus untuk pekerja perawatan kesehatan dan kebutuhan pengiriman obat untuk rumah sakit di bawah Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia.

Ini adalah inisiatif perusahaan penyedia transportasi untuk mengatasi pandemi korona di Indonesia.

Jalur transportasi khusus Grab diharapkan dapat membantu memfasilitasi kinerja dan kesiagaan petugas kesehatan dalam pengiriman staf medis, hasil laboratorium, dan obat-obatan.

Managing Director Grab Indonesia Neneng Goenadi mengatakan akuisisi armada didorong oleh pendidikan dan aksi di jalur transportasi Grab baik offline maupun online.

“Grab mengakui pentingnya memperkuat mandat dengan menyiapkan armada yang luar biasa sehingga upaya tanggap darurat Covid-19 juga dapat terus beroperasi secara fisik,” kata Neneng dalam sebuah pernyataan pers. , Jakarta, Jumat (3/4).

Neneng menambahkan bahwa selain tenaga medis, pihaknya sedang mempersiapkan untuk mengerahkan armada khusus untuk pasukan garis depan lainnya seperti media dan pekerja militer.

“Bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 1.000 fitur GrabCar dan 1.000 GrabNow GrabBike akan disediakan untuk tenaga medis yang membutuhkan mobilitas.”

Kesiapan Armada

Kesiapan armada dipertimbangkan dalam pencegahan penularan virus Covid-19 dengan menggunakan partisi plastik antara penumpang dan pengemudi.

Mitra driver GrabCar dan GrabBike memiliki peralatan Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) seperti masker dan sarung tangan. Grab juga menyiapkan kacamata, topeng, dan sepatu pelindung saat situasi virus memburuk.

Selain itu, untuk memastikan kendaraan yang steril sebelum memasuki area kritis, Grab mendirikan stasiun desinfeksi di rumah sakit terpilih.

“Grab Indonesia siap membantu memperluas armada khususnya untuk membantu memobilisasi tenaga medis di banyak rumah sakit rujukan, pusat kesehatan, dan klinik di Jakarta sebagai upaya untuk mempercepat penanganan Covid-19. , “katanya.

Sumber: Kunjungi website

Cara Aman Dari Gangguan Hacker Saat Gunakan Video Call Zoom

Popularitas Zoom dari layanan panggilan video karena virus korona, peretas telah mengambil keuntungan dari serangan Pemboman Zoom.

Serangan ini berupa interferensi eksternal yang membajak konferensi video dengan mengirim gambar cabul atau mengekspresikan permusuhan disertai dengan ancaman.

“Masalahnya adalah, segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan dunia maya tentu beresiko. Dalam kasus Zoom, ancaman Zoom Bom bisa menjadi masalah besar bagi banyak pihak, sehingga untuk mengatasi masalah ini diperlukan pengaturan yang tepat untuk mencegah pembajakan, “tulis Konsultan Keamanan TI PT Prosperita ESET Indonesia, Yudhi Kukuh dari rilis informasi yang kami terima.

Layanan konferensi video saat ini dicintai oleh komunitas dunia mengikuti kebijakan studi dan bekerja dari rumah untuk menekan pandemi SARS-Cov-2 corona, termasuk Indonesia.

Salah satu layanan konferensi video yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Zoom, layanan ini tidak hanya tersedia dalam versi desktop tetapi didasarkan pada aplikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh pengguna Android dan iOS.

Oleh karena itu, Yudhi mengusulkan untuk mengubah pengaturan “Ruang Tunggu” untuk memungkinkan tamu yang tidak diundang untuk mempertimbangkan. Bagaimana cara:

1. Buka Manajemen Akun.
2. Kemudian klik Pengaturan Akun dan gulir ke bawah ke opsi Ruang Tunggu kemudian aktifkan.
3. Pilih siapa yang dapat hadir, misalnya jika Anda mengklik Semua Peserta atau Peserta Tamu.
4. Ruang tunggu juga dapat diatur untuk beberapa pertemuan. Caranya adalah dengan menjadwalkan rapat sebelum opsi Jadwal Rapat.
5. Kemudian klik Rapat Mendatang.
6. Anda juga dapat mengaktifkan Ruang Tunggu untuk semua rapat dengan ID rapat pribadi Anda. Caranya adalah, klik opsi Rapat lalu klik Ruang Rapat Pribadi.
7. Klik Edit Rapat Ini.
8. Anda harus memastikan Ruang Tunggu aktif dengan menjentikkan, lalu klik Simpan.
9. Tuan rumah dapat dikendalikan oleh Ruang Tunggu dengan memilih Peserta.
10. Setelah pertemuan dimulai, peserta dapat diterima dari daftar tunggu di bawah Pemerintah yang Berpartisipasi atau mengelola peserta atau semua peserta di Ruang Tunggu dapat diterima pada waktu yang sama.
11. Kemudian klik Peserta Video Lainnya, mereka dapat dikirim ke Ruang Tunggu selama panggilan.

Sebelumnya, Zoom pada perangkat iOS Apple juga dikatakan telah mengirim data ke Facebook tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna. Data akan tetap dikirim bahkan jika pengguna tidak memiliki akun Facebook.

Latihan ini bukanlah hal yang aneh. Karena banyak pembuat aplikasi menggunakan alat pengembangan perangkat lunak (SDK) Facebook untuk mengimplementasikan fitur tertentu dalam perangkat lunak mereka.

Masalahnya adalah kebijakan privasi Zoom tidak menjelaskan tipe berbagi data. Perusahaan mengatakan hanya membagikan data dengan pihak ketiga tanpa secara khusus menyebutkan nama Facebook.

Bahkan Facebook mengharuskan pembuat aplikasi untuk memberikan notifikasi kepada pengguna terkait dengan berbagi data. Bahkan, permintaan untuk meminta pembuat aplikasi untuk memasukkan nama Facebook jika memberikan data.

Sumber: Kunjungi website

Taman Jajan Bintaro - A meeting place and hunt for a variety of delicious culinary dishes!

Bintaro has now been transformed into one of the culinary tourist centers in Tangerang. The area known as the home of the townspeople, whose activities always run from & # 39; in the morning to & # 39; walking in the morning turned out to be a valuable tourist area, the Bintaro Snack Center or better known as the Bintaro Snack Park.

Make high activity questions becomes a place to relax and the number of comfortable meeting places increases. In such a place, visitors expect to be able to socialize with colleagues and continue working, but they can also enjoy dishes at relatively cheap prices. For this reason, Taman Bintaro Jajan is now present to fulfill all these requests.

Taman Jajan CBD Bintaro via Youtube

Taman Jajan CBD Bintaro via Youtube

The history of Bintaro Snack Park

Before it became Taman Jajan, this area was a collection of disorganized kiosks. For this reason, Jaya Real Property wants to improve this place as developer of the Bintaro Jaya area. But what"s full of praise is the behavior of this developer.

The reason for this is that they have not evicted the owner of the stable that has been sold there since 1995. Instead, they have appointed PT Indo Arcline to manage the site by involving tent owners in the Bintaro Snack Park area there.

Do not miss it: Amusement park Bospark Raya Banten

Location and directions to Taman Jajan

Even though it is not in the middle of the city, it is a bit far from the hustle and bustle of Central Jakarta, but the Taman Jajan area is very strategic and easy to reach. This location is even close to the JORR toll gate.

The location also borders the Permata Bank building and the Hari Hari supermarket, which is located on Jl. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya, Bintaro Sektor 7, Pondok Aren, Tangerang. From the direction of Lotte Mart you can get to the JORR toll road to get there and after seeing the Permata Bank building, turn left and enter the park area.

Let"s also have a look: Sambolo Beach Banten Beach Enchanting natural charm

Opening hours for Bintaro CBD snacks

Oh friend, you can walk here from 4 pm to noon while you eat, you know. So it is not the speed of arrival.

Facilities in the Bintaro CBD Jajan Park

This park is well managed, so you don"t have to worry about the available facilities. You do not have to worry about parking the vehicle, because there is a large and clear parking lot.

In addition, the cleanliness in this area is also well maintained, there are bins at every outlet, so we will definitely feel very comfortable in this Bintaro snack garden. Certainly not only clean, neat and comfortable.

Kulineran at Bintaro Snacks Park

Once there, the merchant tents are ready to welcome you. You will certainly get confused when choosing which menu you ordered. Because there are so many types of food from snacks to heavy.

In fact, there are also traditional Indonesian snacks for the typical snacks from different countries. The taste is guaranteed to be adapted to the local tongue. Intrigued by what are the menu choices in Bintaro Snacks Park? Let"s look at the following list:

1. Fish care

Fishing trip through Adityamuliawan

Fishing trip through Adityamuliawan

Fish Streat is probably a cheap version of Fish & Co. Is the name almost the same? But remember, although a cheap version of Fish & Co., Fish Treat is not a "cheap" food that can be underestimated. Try one or two menu items then you are guaranteed to be very addicted to the menu there.

The 3 main menus and favorites of visitors are Fish and Chips valued at IDR 29,000, Seafood platter valued at IDR 35,000 per serving, and finally there is a Crunchy Crispy Calamary that costs the same as Fish and Chips, which is IDR 29,000.

For those who want to try Seafood Platter, you should know that the contents of the menu include grilled Dori fish, green mussels, grilled shrimps and grilled squid. Finish right?

This menu is then paired with yellow rice with a very dominant karinya flavor. Served with potatoes and a few raisins, a delicious treat is guaranteed. For those who want to visit, Fish Streat is open every day from 10am to 10.30pm.

2. Rice Uduk Pak Jhon

Rice Uduk from Mr. Jhon via Foody

Rice Uduk from Mr. Jhon via Foody

This is one of the pillars of Taman Jajan. This rice shop in Uduk is very busy and never empty of visitors. There is a unique story as to why this shop is called Pak Jhon Uduk Rice even though its real name is Marjono.

It appears that the study has been calibrated, Bp. Indeed, Marjono is often mentioned by Bp. Jhon was mentioned by everyone who knew him well, until eventually the name for this store appeared.

The menu served there is not only uduk rice, but there are also some side dishes like fried chicken, fried pigeons, fried catfish, fried duck, goat curry.

Pak Jhon Uduk rice is very popular for its fragrant rice and sprinkled with fried onions. Especially in combination with fried chicken side dishes in East Java. Certainly not surprised if this menu is a mainstay. Marjono store host open daily from 10am to 10pm.

3. Warung Pringga

Warung Pringga via Warungepay

Warung Pringga via Warungepay

Warung Pringga is a warung that serves Japanese and European special dishes at friendly prices. The main menu is Chicken Katsu, which costs IDR 38,000 with a serving of chicken pieces running nose and wrapped in crispy flour.

In addition, in combination with fries and also a fresh salad. This store is open Monday to Friday from 3:00 pm to 11:00 am and Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm & # 39;

4. Cubite people

The Cubite via Picluck

The Cubite via Picluck

Cubite presents a menu there with a pinch. Cakes are also a favorite snack when served in elementary school with a wooden cutting board decorated with the silhouette of a woman using chocolate powder. 7 pieces of cake arranged like this.

There are many flavors in Cubite, namely Meises, Oreo, Nutella, Greentea KitKat, Ovomaltine, to mini marshmallowYou can also order half-cooked cookie dough. The price for one serving is 14,000 IDR to 29,000 IDR.

5. Coffee archipelago

Kopi Nusantara via Foody

Kopi Nusantara via Foody

This coffee shop is very popular with coffee lovers in Jakarta. Because different types of local specialty coffee are served directly from different regions in Indonesia ranging from Toraja Coffee, Flores, Bajawa, Kakaya to Parindingan and other coffees.

You can also order Ice Caramel Latte as it is a set menu served with pancakes with additional ingredients ice fresh toppings. Certainly very tasty. Kopi Nusantara is open daily from 7am to 11pm.

6. Mr. Cobek Sambal Bebek

Mr. Duck Sambal Cobek via Qraved

Mr. Duck Sambal Cobek via Qraved

The next place to eat delicious food in Taman Bintan CBD Jajan is Mr. Duck Cobek Sambal. This restaurant has special dishes from some

You can try the duck meat with savory, crispy and of course the soft taste combined with the well-known green chili sauce.

If you"re hungry, imagine your processed duck plus green chili, especially with hot rice that melts saliva. In addition to the main menu in the form of duck, you can also try processed fish, catfish and other chicken.

7. Ucok Durian Bintaro

Ucok Durian Bintaro

Ucok Durian Bintaro

Who doesn"t love durian? This super tasty fruit can also be enjoyed in your Bintaro CBD snack garden. After Ucok Durian had great success with their branch in Lebak Bulus, they are now also opening a branch in Bintaro.

Warung who serves king of fruit It produces durian that is said to come from Medan and several other processed durian menus.

So that Ucok durian fans in Medan don"t have to go all the way to Medan, you can also enjoy it in the Bintaro 7 sector.

Ucok Durian Bintaro

Bintaro CBD Jajan Park (except self-service day)

WhatsApp: 081381702010

Instagram: @ ucokdurian.bintaro and @ ucokdurian.lebakbulus


In addition to the above menu, there are other menus that are no less tasty, such as Palembang pempek. There is also toast in Indian specialties. Interestingly, the price of food there is very affordable compared to other cool places.

More than seventy food tents certainly provide a different atmosphere than the others. The neat, clean and comfortable layout is very popular with visitors. Even so clean, you will find a trash can in every store where you find food. The cleaning staff are also diligent and vigilant to maintain the cleanliness there.

You can also enjoy free food without the help of beggars, hawkers and street musicians. Not that you don"t want to give, but you can eat quietly, that"s an important point.

A glimpse of the Bintaro Snack Garden. I hope it is helpful. Do not miss it: Have a nice holiday to Taman Kota BSD Tangerang

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

Sumber Link: Kunjungi website

Sumber Link: Taman Jajan Bintaro - A meeting place and hunt for a variety of delicious culinary dishes!

31 Attractions in Banjarnegara Most hits to be visited by 2020

Tourist attractions in Banjarnegara – Banjarnegara is one of the regents in Central Java province. This area is very famous for a special drink called Es Dawet Ayu.

Like several other districts in Central Java province, Banjarnegara Regency also offers a variety of tourist attractions.

Dieng Plateau region for example. Some of the popular tourist attractions in Central Java are located close by. Bandjarnegara.

The number of tourist attractions that can be visited in Banjarnegara is closely related to areas reaching more than 1000 km² (1.069.71 km² to be exact).

According to data collected from the Wikipedia website, the district is inhabited by approximately 917 thousand people, mainly Javanese.

For the language itself, similar to the people of Cirebon, Indramayu and several other Central Javanese regions, the Banjarnegara community also uses the Banyumasan dialect, also known as the Ngapak Javanese language.

Visited interesting tourist attractions in Banjarnegara

Especially for those planning a vacation to the Central Java area, Banjarnegara, you should consider becoming one of your holiday destinations.

Why Because, as we mentioned above, this area offers a variety of attractions. Some of them are as follows:

1. Sikidang Dieng Crater

Location: Dieng Kulon Village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Sikidang Crater Dieng via Northbackpackercom

Sikidang Crater Dieng via Northbackpacker.com

Sikidang Dieng Crater is the White Crater District. Bandjarnegara. Yes, if Bandung Regency has White Crater, Kab. Banjarnegara has a Sikidang crater, both of which are the main attraction in the form of a very beautiful crater.

Among tourists, Sikidang Crater is classified as one of the popular tourist attractions in Banjarnegara, which is almost never empty of visitors.

The great interest of tourists to visit this place is suspected by the location which is quite easy to reach and the landscape is very beautiful.

Unfortunately, similar to other crater-shaped tourist attractions, Sikidang Crater offers relatively limited tourist activities. In this case, not many tourist activities can be done by tourists who come here.

Usually, most tourists just look around the beautiful crater area while taking some pictures against the background of the surrounding nature reserve.

The location of Sikidang Crater is located in Dieng Kulon village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara.

If you want to visit this place, opening hours are from 7am to 5pm.

For the admission ticket itself, it is quite affordable, which is only 10,000 rupiah.

2. Candradimuka crater

Location: Pekasiran Village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Candradimuka crater via Wisataindonesiacoid

Candradimuka Crater via Wisataindonesia.co.id

You are certainly familiar with the puppet show called Gatot Kaca, right? Ituloh, a doll shop known for its ability to …

Well, this picnic spot in Banjarnegara has a history very close to a doll shop.

Candradimuka Crater is an exotic crater in the village of Pekasiran, Kec. Batur, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

According to the news circulating, this crater is where the Gatot Kaca doll figure first achieved a miracle.

When you are here, you immediately see the Earth"s gut activity as if you were looking at an active mountain crater.

That"s all, remember … When you visit this place, don"t expect to get magic like Gatot Kaca, you know!

In general, the natural landscape of Candradimuka Crater is still very beautiful and natural.

Unfortunately, at the time of writing this article, the tourist facilities available here were still relatively limited.

Unique, unlike the Sikidang Crater which is open to the public only during the day, Candra Crater is open to the public 24 hours non-stop, 7 days a week.

Moreover, the entrance fee is also very affordable you know, that is only Rp. 5,000 per person.

3. Anglir Mendung Banjarnegara

Location: Jl. Raya Karangkobar, Kasimpar, Paweden, Karangkobar, Banjarnegara

Cloudy Anglis

Cloudy Anglis

The next place to tour in Banjarnegara is the Anglir Mendung Banjarnegara. Anglir Mendung is a natural tourist attraction in the middle of a protected forest.

This attraction currently holds the status of one of the best tourist attractions for families in Banjarnegara.

Here your eyes will be pampered by the beauty of the beautiful green landscape, along with the cool air typical of the highlands.

In addition, there are also special swimming and playing facilities for children provided by the management.

If you are lucky you can enjoy traditional regional dance performances held at certain times when visiting this place.

Especially for camping enthusiasts, this attraction also offers a special area for camping activities that you know! It is estimated that there is no half-hearted camp in this place that can accommodate about 200 tents.

According to information circulating, this attraction is called Anglir Mendung due to high winds and sky areas more often covered by black clouds rather than clear.

If you are a true nature lover you should include this attraction in your list of tourist destinations.

The location of the Anglir Mendung attraction is located at Jl. Raya Karangkobar, Kasimpar, Paweden, Karangkobar, Banjarnegara.

Related article: Tourism in Batang, Central Java

Wadas Tumpang Banjarnegara

Location: Majalengka Village, Kec. Onions, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Wadas Tumpang Banjarnegara

Wadas Tumpang Banjarnegara

Especially for those who like mystical things, in Banjarnegara there are cultural attractions that are full of mystical things called Wadas Tumpang.

According to the circulating information, this place was a hermit hut that people from different regions visited to get magic.

Later, due to its extraordinary natural beauty, this place is better known as a tourist attraction than a place to find magical powers. But until now, many people came to this place to sacrifice.

As for the state of nature itself, you could say that this place is truly extraordinary.

From the area of ​​Wadas Tumpang you can see almost the entire Banjarnegara region. Especially in sunny weather you also see the phenomenon of land above the clouds.

How interested are you in visiting this tourist spot? If so, this attraction is located in Majalengka Village, Kec. Onions, Kab. Bandjarnegara.

The open time is unlimited or can be visited 24 hours non-stop without paying entrance fees.

Mount Lanang

Location: Masaran Village, Kec. Onions, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java

Gunung Lanang via Wiskp

Gunung Lanang via Wiskp

Still in Bawang Regency, there is another picnic area in Banjarnegara that is no less interesting to visit. That place is called Gunung Lanang.

Just like in the Wadas Tumpang area, Gunung Lanang is still full of mystical things.

Until now, this mountain is still frequently visited by people interested in offering victims only or even meditating to seek knowledge.

Well, behind the mystical value, this mountain offers extraordinary natural beauty.

From the top of this mountain you can see the river area whose view is very similar to the landscape that the Kali Biru attraction in Yogyakarta offers.

The operator of this attraction has provided various tourist facilities to attract tourists.

Tourist facilities in the form of for example "Self-bridge". This facility was created intentionally by the manager to help tourists who want to take pictures with the backdrop of the summit of Mount Lanang.

Oh he, according to information from the surrounding community, the mountain"s naming is not done at random, you know!

The name of this mountain with the name "Gunung Lanang" is done because the shape of this mountain seen from far away indeed resembles the shape of male sexual organs.

It is said that due to its shape, this mountain is often touted as a flock of Mount Tampomas, also known as Mount Wadon (Mount Woman).

If you want to visit Gunung Lanang this mountain is located in Masaran village, Kec. Onions, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

This tourist attraction can be visited every day from 08:00 to 17:00.

The entry fee is quite cheap, at just 5,000 rupees per person.

6. Serve the Sileri crater

Location: Kepakisan Village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Serve Sileri Crater via IG @ arayslowly

Serve Sileri Crater via IG @ arayslowly

The next tourist spot in Banjarnegara is the Dieng Sileri Crater. Dieng Sileri Crater is a phenomenal crater.

According to historical data, these craters as a whole erupted more than three times, namely in 1944, 1964, 2003, 2009 and most recently in 2018.

Despite having a "very bad" record, this crater is generally quite safe to visit (as long as there is no management ban).

In general, not much tourist activity can be done in this crater. Mostly tourists who come here only to see the beauty of the natural environment while hunting pictures.

Oh he, according to circulating information, the naming of the crater in the village of Kepakisan, Kec. Batur, Kab. Banjarnegara also has a story, you know!

The name is said to be because the color of the water was greyish, similar to the water used to wash rice. Because the rice washing water is called "Sileri" in Javanese, this crater was eventually called Sileri crater.

To enjoy the beauty of this crater, visitors only need to pay an entrance ticket from Rp. 5,000 per person.

7. Jalatunda Dieng Well

Location: Pekasiran Tourism Village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Attractions in Jalatunda di Dieng

Attractions in Jalatunda di Dieng

Dieng Jalatunda is also located in the tourist village of Pekasiran, Kec. Batur, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

This tourist attraction offers the main attraction in the form of a very large old well (for the size of the well).

In total, this well has a diameter of approximately 90 meters with a depth of 150 meters.

Reportedly, unlike most of the wells built intentionally, these wells themselves were formed by volcanic eruptions that occurred hundreds of years ago.

Although it is spacious and it can be used as a bath or as a swimmer, tourists are not allowed to shower or swim in this well.

Because the water in this well is not only deep, but also green and filled with moss, it is less suitable for use.

On normal days, the Jalatunda Well attraction is open daily to general tourists with an Rp admission ticket. 5,000 per person.

8. Curug Pitu Banjarnegara

Location: Sigaluh Village, Sigaluh District, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Curug Pitu via Lihatcoid

Curug Pitu viaView.co.id

The next vacation spot in Banjarnegara is Curug Pitu. Curug Pitu is located in Sigaluh Village, Sigaluh Regency, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

This waterfall is called Curug Pitu (Javanese, meaning "seven") because the stream has seven levels.

If you wish, you can go to any level while visiting this waterfall using a ladder from the manager.

Located in a rural area, the water that flows into the waterfall is still very clean and far from pollution from pollutants.

Here you can shower all day and play as much water as you want. If you prefer, you can also hunt for photos against the backdrop of the waterfall and exotic fish under the waterfall.

As for the amenities, although located in a fairly remote rural area, this tourist attraction is already classified as literate.

From standard facilities such as toilets and party tents to additional facilities such as dining areas, they are all available at this waterfall.

This waterfall usually works 24 hours a day without stopping. But most tourists usually have favorite hours on weekends during the weekend.

Oh yes, you don"t have to worry about acceptance issues. Because the admission ticket to this waterfall is only 5,000 rupees per person.

9. Curug Mrawu

Location: Giritirta Village, Kec. Bids, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java

Mrawu waterfall viaView.co.id

Mrawu waterfall viaView.co.id

For those who like tracking activities, don"t forget to stop at this attraction when you visit Banjarnegara!

Yes, although waterfall status, but this tourist attraction is usually more suitable for hiking enthusiasts.

Why? Because to get to the location of this waterfall, the visitor must also walk for a long time.

It"s a little far and tiring, but if it"s a hobby, distance isn"t a big deal, right?

In addition, the natural panorama of this tourist attraction is truly extraordinary.

Arriving at the location of the waterfall, you are guaranteed to immediately "splash" and shower under the waterfall.

In addition, the natural panorama on the road that you pass to get to the location of the waterfall is very good. This area is dominated by forests and rice fields, so don"t forget to bring a good camera!

The location of Mrawu Waterfall is in Giritirta village, Kec. Bids, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

This "visiting hour" waterfall starts at 8am and ends at 5pm. For entrance tickets, as there are still minimal facilities, until this article is written it is still free.

10. Curug Sikopel

Location: Babadan Village, Kec. Pagetan, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Curug Sikopel via Ngetrip

Curug Sikopel via Ngetrip

Do you want to stay young? Come and swim at this tourist spot in Banjarnegara!

According to the myths that circulate, anyone taking a shower with the water flow in this waterfall will be young, you know!

Yes, even if it"s just a myth, it doesn"t hurt to try it, right? Itung – itung all walk to a very exotic location.

Aside from the myth it has, Curug Sikopel offers a rather exotic natural panorama.

The water flow is classified as still very clear and fresh. Only in some parts there are still parts that are not neatly arranged, so it does not look so good.

But in general, this waterfall is worth a tourist destination!

If you are interested in visiting this waterfall, the location is in Babadan village, Kec. Pagetan, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

To enter it only costs Rp. Per person. Only 2000.

11. Curug Pundung Sewu Banjarnegara

Location: Petir Village, Kec. Purwonegoro, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java

Curug Pundung Sewu Banjarnegara by Jalanwisataid

Curug Pundung Sewu Banjarnegara via Jalanwisata.id

The name of this waterfall seems unfavorable to Sundanese, namely "Pundung Sewu", which means "Ngambek Seribu" in Sundanese.

Eits, but wait … In Indonesian, Pundung can also be interpreted as Bukit Tanah, you know, so when interpreted, Pundung Sewu is a big hill of a thousand.

Apart from the name which is still confusing, this waterfall offers the main attraction in the form of clear water flowing in green-green.

The water flow in this waterfall is indeed not too high. But the stiff bottom is deep enough for swimming.

In addition, there is also a large rock on the side of this waterfall that can be used as a location to jump into the water area.

If you like adrenaline, try jumping off a rock.

Oh he, until this article was written, this waterfall is still classified as a new tourist attraction in Banjarnegara, you know! Therefore, the natural state around the waterfall is still very well maintained and well maintained.

How interested are you in visiting this waterfall? If yes then the location is in Petir Village, Kec. Purwonegoro, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

12. Lake Merdada Banjarnegara

Location: Karang Tengah Village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Telaga Merdada Banjarnegara via KMStourcom

Telaga Merdada Banjarnegara via KMStour.com

The next tourist attraction in Banjarnegara is Merdada Lake. Telaga Merdada is located in Karang Tengah Village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

This lake is still a complex with the Dieng Plateau tourist area.

If you use Dieng tour package services, you are usually invited to stop at this one tourist attraction.

In addition to this lake, there is another pool that is no less interesting to visit in the Dieng area. However, this lake is generally the most extensive lake.

According to the information we received, it is believed that this was a caldera area that was formerly a volcanic eruption that was flooded with water.

Like other tourist attractions in Dieng, the location around the lake is also dominated by agricultural areas belonging to the surrounding community.

If you come during the day, you can not only enjoy the beauty of nature, but also see the activities of the surrounding community while farming.

Oh, don"t forget about activities like this when you visit again! The price is quite cheap, only around Rp. Only 25,000.

Usually Merdada Lake works with HTM or Rp. Daily from 7am to 4pm. 5,000 per person.

13. Lake Dringo

Location: Pekasiran Village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Telingo Draga via Panduanwisatadiengcom

Lake Dringo via Panduanwisatadieng.com

We"ve discussed the attractions of the Candradimuka Crater before, right? Well, the tourist attraction we will discuss is not far from the crater.

Telingo Draga is located in the village of Pekasiran, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara.

If Lake Merdada is the largest lake in the tourist area of ​​Dieng, Lake Dringo is the highest lake.

It is said that many tourists call this more as Ranukumbolo – Central Java due to their extraordinary beauty.

To reach the location of Lake Dringo, tourists have to walk about 20 minutes.

Distance that in principle should not be too far. However, because the terrain is steep, the time it takes to hike becomes quite long.

If you want to visit Lake Dringo, the best time to visit is in the morning, just before sunrise.

Usually this is open non-stop to the public 24 hours a day. However, it is sometimes also temporarily closed at certain times.

For the admission ticket itself it is quite cheap which is only Rp. 15,000 per person.

14. Mrica reservoir

Location: Karangjambe Village, Kec. Wanadadi, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Mrica Reservoir viaView.co.id

Mrica Reservoir viaView.co.id

The Mrica Reservoir is the largest artificial reservoir in Southeast Asia. This reservoir is located in Karangjambe Village, Kec. Wanadadi, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java was created specifically for the Sudirman Great Panglima hydropower plant.

A few years ago, the entire reservoir area offered a very exotic natural beauty in almost every corner, so that part of the area looks less exotic due to the sedimentation process.

Interestingly, some reservoir peripheral areas (especially those frequented by tourists) are actually better and better maintained.

In general, the tourist activities that can be carried out in these reservoirs are quite limited.

Here you can sit and relax in the afternoon while enjoying the natural beauty around the reservoir. If desired, you can also take some photos with a very charming panoramic sunset background.

In addition, for fishing enthusiasts, the Mrica Reservoir also has many fishing spots that are quite interesting.

How do you want to make it float?

The tourist area with this reservoir is open to the public 24 hours a day and can be visited for free or for free.

15. Serayu River Rafting

Location: Jalan Banjarnegara Km 15, Randegan Village, Sigaluh Regency, Randegan, Banjarnegara

Rafting Serayu via Arungjeramserayucom

River Rafting Serayu via Arungjeramserayu.com

Not only Magelang has challenging rafting trips! Banjarnegara District also has it, namely the Serayu River Rafting tour.

The Serayu River is a rapid river whose flow is dammed to be stored in the Mrica reservoir we discussed earlier.

In addition to fast currents, this river also has a winding current with a very exotic natural panorama.

If you are a fan of challenging adrenaline-fueled tourist activities then you should put this attraction on your travel list during your holiday in Banjarnegara.

This location is quite easy to reach namely at Jalan Banjarnegara Km 15, Randegan Village, Sigaluh Regency, Randegan, Banjarnegara, Central Java.

16. Gatot Kaca Temple

Location: Dieng, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Candi Gatotkaca via Lelungannet

Candi Gatotkaca via Lelungan.net

If we have previously discussed the attractions of Candradimuka Crater, where Gatot Kaca has acquired its magical power, we will discuss the attractions of Gatot Kaca Temple, which is said to have been built in honor of a doll shop.

Candi Gatot Kaca is located in the Dieng area, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara.

Unlike the Prambanan or Borobudur Temples, the Gatot Kaca Temple consists of only one temple building.

Unique, because it is located in a rural area, this attraction offers besides the main sights in the form of historical tourism, also an additional attraction in the form of a beautiful natural landscape and neatly arranged.

Interestingly, despite being located in a rural area, the tourist facilities in the Arjuna temple complex are also quite complete, you know!

From the beginning of the coffee shop, where to eat, toilets to typical Dieng souvenir shops, everything is available here. Ready right?

Then to enter the Arjuna temple complex (where the Gatot Kaca temple is located), you just need to spend Rp. 10,000 per person.

17. Kailasa Dieng Museum

Location: Dieng Kulon, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Kaliasa Dieng Museum via Kayacom Indonesia

Kaliasa Dieng Museum via Indonesiakaya.com

The next tourist spot in Banjarnegara is the Kailasa Dieng Museum.

Compared to some of the previously discussed tourist attractions, the Kailasa Dieng Museum has been classified as one of the new tourist attractions in Banjarnegara.

Remarkably, although it was only consecrated in mid-2008, this museum already has a large collection of historical artifacts.

From collections of historical relics such as artifacts and archeology to information on flora and fauna, everything can be found in this museum.

According to circulating information, this place was once the home of Lord Shiva, you know! That is why this museum is called the Kailasa Museum, which is the name of the residence of Lord Shiva.

The location of the Kailasa Museum is in the Dieng Kulon area, Kec. Batur, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

The museum is open every day from 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

You don"t have to spend a lot of time to go to this museum. Prepare money from Rp. 5,000, you can walk through the whole museum area if you want.

18. Arjuna Swimming Complex

Location: Dieng Kulon Plateau, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Arjuna Dieng Temple Tourism Object

Arjuna Dieng Temple Tourism Object

We"ve discussed the attractions of Gatot Kaca Temple before, right?

The attractions we will discuss below are the parents of the Gatot Kaca Temple.

In total, there are more than three temple buildings outside of Gatot Kaca temple that you can see here. Some of them are Puntadewa Temple, Srikandi Temple and Spoolra Temple.

In addition to offering the main attractions in the form of ancient temple buildings, this attraction also offers additional attractions in the form of the Dieng Culture Festival at certain times, you know!

The festival will host a unique activity that has become a tradition from generation to generation with the surrounding community in the form of cutting dreads.

The location of the Arjuna Bath Complex is located in the highlands of Dieng Kulon, Kec. Batur, Kab. Bandjarnegara.

To enter the temple complex, you only need to pay an entrance fee of Rp. 10,000 alone.

Only the open time is usually unlimited or can be visited for 24 hours without interruption.

Tampo Mas

Location: Masaran Village, Kec. Padegongan, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java

Tampo Mas via IG @ filmwainv

Tampo Mas via IG @ filmwa.inv

The remnants of development are not always bad! That phrase is suitable for tourist attractions in Banjarnegara.

According to historical data, this tourist attraction was once a hilly area. At the time of the formation of the Mrica Reservoir, this mountainous area was forced to be "destroyed" for the purpose of creating a reservoir area.

Unique, although deliberately damaged, the remaining hilly areas become exotic and interesting places to visit as tourist attractions.

At first glance, the Tampo Mas area resembles the remaining mining area left by managers.

The border area looks like an irregular step-up clip. While the area underneath is filled with deep green puddles.

Due to its unique panorama, this attraction is often used as a place to find photos, especially wedding photos.

If you want to enjoy the beauty of this place you can slide down to Masaran village, Kec. Padegongan, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

To enter you only need to pay an entrance ticket of 3000 rupiah and a parking fee of 2000 rupiah for motorcycles and 3,000 rupiah for four-wheeled vehicles.

20. Taman Surya Yudha Banjarnegara

Location: Jl. Raya Karang Kobar Km. 1, Rejasa Village, Kec. Madukara, Kab. Bandjarnegara

Taman Surya Yudha Banjarnegara via Beritagar

Taman Surya Yudha Banjarnegara via Beritagar

Surya Yudha Park is one of the very popular family attractions in Banjarnegara.

This attraction offers a very complete package for family trips.

From outbound tours, sports arenas, rafting arenas to star hotels and night clubs, they are all available at this location.

In addition, this place also offers several replicas of famous monuments from other countries, such as the statue of the state of Merlion in Singapore and the Statue of Liberty in the United States.

The mascot replicas of the two countries are two places where visitors can take photos.

When this article was written, Surya Surya Yudha Park was still the most complete water recreation park in Banjarnegara.

If you plan to go on holiday to Banjarnegara with your family, this attraction is highly recommended for you as your tourist destination.

The location of Taman Surya Yudha is at Jl. Raya Karang Kobar Km. 1, Rejasa Village, Kec. Madukara, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java.

This playground is open every day from 8am to 5pm.

On weekdays, the admission ticket to the playground is set at 25,000 rupiah, while it is fixed at 40,000 rupiah on public holidays.

21. Serulingmas Playground

Location: Kutabanjarnegara, Kec. Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara

Serulingmas Wildlife Park via Wisatakuycom

Serulingmas Wildlife Park via Wisatakuy.com

The next vacation spot in Banjarnegara is Serulingmas Nature Park.

Als de meeste toeristische attracties die we eerder bespraken op het platteland waren, bevinden de toeristische attracties die we zullen bespreken zich in het midden van de stad Banjarnegara.

Deze plaats biedt de belangrijkste attractie in de vorm van een dierentuin die wordt bewoond door verschillende diersoorten.

Daarnaast zijn er ook een aantal games die door het management bewust zijn gemaakt als middel voor toerisme en educatie voor bezoekers.

Sommige van deze attracties zijn boogschieten, relaxzone en grootmoeder.

Niet alleen dat, op dit moment heeft de manager van dit natuurpark ook entertainment aangeboden in de vorm van goedaardige slangenreptielen die toeristen kunnen vasthouden om adrenaline te stimuleren of foto's te maken, en de Stone Balancer-show, de kunst om natuurlijke rotsen in verschillende posities te rangschikken.

Om bezoekers maximale service te bieden, is het Serulingmas Wildlife Park dagelijks geopend van 8.00 tot 16.00 uur.

Bezoekers die de dierentuin van Banjarnegara Regency betreden, hoeven alleen een toegangsbewijs van Rp te betalen. Slechts 15.000.

Oh hij, vanwege de locatie, Banjarnegara Serulingmas Wildlife Park in het gebied van Kutabanjarnegara, Kec. Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara, Midden-Java.

22. Candi Bima

Candi Bima melalui Kmstourcom

Candi Bima melalui Kmstour.com

Khusus bagi Anda yang suka sejarah, ketika mengunjungi Banjarnegara, jangan lupa untuk singgah di Pura Bima Dieng.

Candi ini memiliki bangunan arsitektur yang mirip dengan kuil-kuil di India dan sedikit berbeda dari kebanyakan candi lainnya di Dieng.

Menurut informasi yang beredar, Candi Bima direnovasi pada 2012 karena situasi serius.

Setelah restorasi, bangunan candi sekarang terlihat bagus dan menarik untuk dikunjungi.

Jika Anda tertarik melihatnya, lokasinya ada di daerah Dieng Kulon, Kec. Batur, Kab. Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah.

23. Curug Pletuk

Lokasi: Desa Pesangkalan, Kecamatan Pagedongan, Kabupaten Banjarnegara

Air terjun Pluguk melalui trailer Backpacker

Air terjun Pluguk melalui Backpackertraveler.com

Pletuk waterval kunt u een toeristische bestemming maken in de volgende Banjarngera. Deze ongerepte waterval biedt natuurlijke charme die nog steeds mooi en rustgevend is, plus de snelle stromingen en heldere watervallen zullen uw vakantie zeker aangenamer maken.

Seiring bertambahnya perhatian pemerintah, akses jalan menuju lokasi curug ini semakin baik dan mudah dijangkau. Dulu kita harus menempuh perjalan 5 -6 jam dari pusat kota untuk menuju curug pletuk ini, namun seiring dengan perbaikan jalan, kita hanya butuh sekitar 30 menit berkendara untuk sampai ke curug ini.

Fasilitas pendukung juga sudah ada di curug ini, dimana sudah terdapat Camp Ground dengan beberapa fasilitas seperti MCK, dan Gazebo yang sangat cocok untuk berkemping bersama teman dan komunitas kamu.

Anda juga bisa trekking ke perbukitan di sekitar curug ini untuk menikmati sunrise atau sunset. Cukup dengan merogoh kocek sebesar Rp5.000,-, kamu sudah bisa mandi sepuasnya disini.

24. Serayu Park

Lokasi: Alamat: Jl. Selomanik, Seruling Mas, Kutabanjarnegara, Kec. Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara

Serayu Park via Idahceriscom

Serayu Park via Idahceris.com

Serayu park ini sangat cocok untuk kamu jadikan tempat basah-basahan bareng anggota keluargamu. Waterpark yang satu ini selalu ramai lo, baik hari biasa apalagi hari libur.

Disini terdapat kolam arus yang sangat seru untuk kita bermain air. Untuk masuk ke dalam waterpark ini wisatawan hanya membayar tiket masuk 15.000 saja.

25. Kolam Renang Serulingmas

Lokasi: Jalan Selamanik No. 35, Kutabanjarnegara, Kab Banjarnegara

Kolam Renang Serulingmas via Idahceriscom

Kolam Renang Serulingmas via Idahceris.com

Kolam renang yang satu ini sebenarnya masuk dalam lokasi taman rekreasi marga satwa serulingmas. Meskipun tidak terdapat banyak permaian, namun kolam renang serulingmas ini sangat nyaman untuk berenang bersama keluarga tercinta.

Untuk masuk ke dalam kolam renang ini kamu cukup membayar tiket 5.000 saja lho, dan untuk anak di bawah 1 tahun gratis.

Untuk fasilitas pendukung seperti tempat ganti, toilet dan warung disini masih sangat sederhana, karena memang bisa dibilang tiket masuknya sendiri sangat murah sekali.

26. D’Qiano Hot Spring Waterpark

Lokasi:  Desa Kepakisan, Kecamatan Bantur, Dieng, Kabupaten Banjarnegara

D’Qiano Hot Spring Waterpark via Idahceriscom

D’Qiano Hot Spring Waterpark via Idahceris.com

Anda mau berendam di air hangat? Nah, D’Qiano hot spring ini bisa anda jadikan pilihan. Pemandian air hangat alami ini airnya bersumber langsung dari aliran Sileri Dieng.

Untuk menikmati berendam di air hangat kolam D’Qiano plus menikmati pemandangan dari ketinggian anda cukup membayar HTM sebesar 30.000 saja.

Oh ya, karena di sekitar pemandian D’Qiano ini sudah terdapat penginapan, sebaiknya anda menginap kemudian keesokan paginya anda berendam disini, pasti sangat asyik sekali.

Disini ada dua kolam dengan suhu lebih hangat dari kolam renang utama yang dapat digunakan untuk terapi. Kolam terapi ini airnya agak samar-samar aroma belerang, gitu.

Jangan khawatir kalau kamu kelaparan, karena sudah ada banyak tempat makan disini, fasilitas penunjang lain juga sudah ada disini mulai dari kamar ganti, toilet, dan mushala.

27. Telaga Balekambang

Lokasi: Kompleks Candi Arjuna Dieng, Dataran Tinggi Dieng, Kabupaten Banjarnegara

Telaga Balekambang via Flickr

Telaga Balekambang via Flickr

Tempat Wisata Kuliner di Banjarnegara

1. Warung Makan Soto Krandegan

Lokasi:  Jl. Kijagapati I No.33, Kutabanjarnegara, Krandegan, Kec. Banjarnegara

Warung Makan Soto Krandegan via jitunews-com

Warung Makan Soto Krandegan via jitunews.com

2. Combro Kalipalet

Lokasi: Argasoka, Kalipalet dan Karangrengah

Combro Kalipalet via kmstourcom

Combro Kalipalet via kmstour.com

3. Bakso Ketupat Belakang Polres

Lokasi: Belakang Polres Banjarnegara

Bakso Ketupat Belakang Polres

Bakso Ketupat Belakang Polres

4. Saung Bu Mansyur

Locatie: Jl. Kedasih no.55 Tretek, Parakancanggah, Banjarnegara

Saung Bu Mansur

Saung Bu Mansur


Nah, itulah beberapa tempat wisata di Banjarnegara yang bisa Anda coba untuk kunjungi bersama keluarga, teman, ataupun pasangan. Jadi bagaimana? Kira – kira kapan nih jalan – jalan ke Banjarnegaranya?

Related article: 23 Tempat Wisata di Sragen Jawa Tengah

Paket Wisata Murah

DifaWisata.com – Paket Wisata Murah tahun 2020 dengan harga terjangkau. Temukan liburan serta pengalaman yang baru bersama kami. Dengan perjalanan Private Tour Wisata Indonesia, tidak digabung dengan peserta lain, menjadikan liburan Anda lebih personal dan menyenangkan. Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan Paket liburan murah dan program wisata sesuai budget Anda. Itinerary tour, kami sesuaikan dengan jadwal sholat & Makanan yang kami sediakan di restoran bersertifikat halal, yang menjadikan kami sebagai biro perjalan Wisata halal Indonesia.

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