Difa Wisata.Com – The tourist destinations in Bandung never end. As in East Bandung, there are unique and somewhat mysterious tourist destinations. The location is in the hills of Mount Manglayang. The name itself is the Stone Horse site, a beautiful and fresh tourist spot. The Batu Kuda site is also an asset of Perum Perhutani in the Cibiru Wetan Village area, Cileunyi Regency, Bandung Regency.
Before learning more about the Manglayang Rock Horse Site, let"s take a closer look at the background of this tourist destination. It is said that the word "Manglayang" actually comes from the word "flying". & # 39; Flying & # 39; is clearly flying.
So the story long ago, according to his myth, there is a horse that can fly fast. The horse comes from Gunung Kidul, which is known as the Semprani / Sembrani horse. Well, if a horse crosses Manglayang mountain on a trip from Cirebon to Banten.

Suddenly the horse fell and then the horse fell in a place not far from the Sanghiyang point (which means the foot of the mountain). The horse was stuck long enough, so it fell into a pool of water. As told in the myth, horses gradually turn to stone.
Believe it or not about that myth, now the horse in question is more of a big rock form at the Manglayang Rock Horse Site. Indeed, from the shape of the stone, this is similar to when a horse tries to escape from kubanga. But due to fatigue, the horse"s energy is used up.
Until the Hebrew riders surrendered and sat on a chair not far from the puddle. Then the driver"s seat is now known as the Stone Chair. While the puddle where the Semprani horse fell is now known as the stone horse.

The Horse Rock site is accessible via several trails. The easiest route to the Batu Kuda site is via the Cibiru line. First, from Bandung, the city of wandering friends took the road to Cibiru and passed the eastern roundabout from Bandung city to Cileunyi. Approximately – after about 3 km from the Cibiru roundabout, the road turns slightly to the left, just follow the previous road.
Travel all the way to Rock Horse about 7 kilometers. The road may be quite narrow along the way, but it is offset by Bandung"s beautiful scenery and cold weather that makes everyone love it. If you feel confused, don"t be shy to ask the locals.

The Batu Kuda site is indeed somewhat mystical, in fact there are rules that apply, every Monday and Thursday are climbers or anyone allowed to enter the Manglayang mountain area. Because, according to local belief, it is a day to gather ancestors and spirits. On other days it is also not allowed to climb in an odd amount. Friends of tourists visiting the Batu Kuda site should also know the local regulations like this.
The appeal of the Batu Kuda site itself has been seen upon entry, outside the Batu Kuda gate. When you enter, you will see a stretch of pine forest that welcomes traveler friends. After arriving in the pine forest, try to rest in the middle of this beautiful pine forest. Enjoy the silence while being thankful for the natural beauty that is here.

On the Rock Horse Site tourist site there are also many activities that can be done. Varying from camping, hiking to cycling. Do not forget to relax here among the many beautiful pine trees. The air is really fresh! Asiknya again, a traveling friend can visit the Batu Kuda site by paying a ticket of Rp 3,000 per person and an extra Rp 5,000 if you want to camp here.
Although this place is a nature tour, most of the support facilities are quite complete. On the Batu Kuda site tourist site, there are already common supporters of tourist attractions such as food stalls, food stalls, parking lots, toilets, prayer rooms and others. So don"t be afraid of hunger or confusion when you need something on the Rock Horse Site.

Note: Bandung is the main city in West Java and already has an international airport. To visit Bandung, you can either fly directly to Bandung by plane, or first fly to Jakarta and then continue by road or train.
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Sumber Link: Mysterious Bandung & # 39; s Mount Batu Mountain Site
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